Cats and open windows

The warm season is the time of more frequent ventilation and open windows. And cats come to the windows to sit, watch what is happening on the street, smell the street air, bask in the sun. Of course, the space for the cat in the apartment should be safe, including windows. What dangers can windows pose?
Open window
An open window is an immediate danger. Cats practically do not feel fear of heights, and boldly look out of the window, go to the ledge, walk along the railings of open balconies, try to catch pigeons and flying insects. Cats can not only fall out by accident, slipping on a smooth ledge, or jumping onto the windowsill and not noticing that there is no glass barrier, but also jump out intentionally, of their own free will, in pursuit of birds or out of curiosity, despite the floor.
Window for vertical ventilation
It seems that a vertically ventilated window is safe, and it would not occur to a cat to try to get out through the gap – but this is not so. Perhaps even more dangerous than just an open window. Most often, cats, when trying to get to fresh air, get stuck between the open window sash and the frame, and they can no longer get out of there, since the body is firmly clamped in the gap narrowing down, and there is nothing for their paws to catch on and push off. There is a violation of blood circulation, and squeezing the internal organs and the spine, ribs – and even a short stay – 15-20 minutes in this position is enough for the death of a cat. Those who survive may be left with paralyzed hind limbs. Sometimes only a paw can get stuck in the gap, the cat pulls down when trying to free itself, and the paw gets stuck even more – this is fraught with a fracture of the bones of the paw. If the cat is stuck there with its neck, then it threatens with strangulation or a fracture of the cervical vertebrae.
mosquito net
The mosquito net gives the appearance of a window closed from the outside world, but, unfortunately, is unable to contain the cat. A lot of cats climb this net, sharpen their claws on it, catch insects on it – and the mosquito net cannot stand this: it breaks or falls out along with the frame and the cat.
How to make windows cat-safe?
Personal balcony for a cat
It can be made independently or with the help of specialists. The basis is a metal or rigid polyethylene mesh and a removable bottom. If desired, a sloping roof made of plexiglass, polycarbonate, plastic and other materials is installed, shelves are attached, and mats are laid. It is important that the balcony is securely attached to the base.
Side and top grilles for vertical ventilation
Plastic or metal grilles cover the cracks of a window that is open for vertical ventilation, and do not allow a curious pet to get out. Pretty easy to install, fasteners can be either screwed or glued to the frame.
Window limiters
Limiters are easy to install and allow you to safely ventilate the room. An open window sash is fixed at a certain width from 1 to 10 cm thanks to a comb with teeth, and the window cannot slam or swing open from a gust of wind, and animals cannot squeeze through the gap.
Anti-cat mesh and window bars
Instead of a mosquito net, install a special anti-cat net. It differs from the usual mosquito net in the strength of the net material and reinforced body, it can withstand not only scratching with claws and piling up with the body, but also climbing on the net. Window grilles can be made of either metal or rigid polyethylene, have large cells or hardly differ from ordinary mosquito nets, and durable fasteners that most often do not require drilling window structures and are installed on special locks that do not interfere with closing windows. To prevent insects from entering the house, a regular mosquito net can be stretched outside the large-mesh grill. Also, both versions of anti-cats can be installed on the windows. Often, all these devices have many design options that can fit into your interior and do not spoil the look of the windows and from them, while protecting your beloved cat from injury.