Cats against trees!
New Year without a Christmas tree – is it possible? Many cat owners think so. They saw how a carefully decorated Christmas tree crashed to the floor under the onslaught of a fluffy pirate, how toys were broken and how needles were carried throughout the apartment. But this is far from the most terrible trouble. A cat besieging a Christmas tree can be seriously injured: carelessly fall, get hurt on glass decorations, get an electric shock from a garland, or swallow rain, which is very dangerous. In such cases, a veterinarian is indispensable. It turns out that a festive tree turns into a quest for a pet – very interesting, but full of dangers, and quite real ones. But is it really possible to refuse the Christmas tree now? How to put up a Christmas tree if there is a cat at home?
If the Christmas tree is an important part of the holiday coziness for you, do not rush to give it up. Turn on your fantasy! You can create a “safe” Christmas tree, you just have to want to!
There are a lot of creative ideas on the Internet from the most resourceful hosts. Some hang Christmas trees from the ceiling, others put them in a cage (or aviary), others enclose the entire perimeter with vacuum cleaners (or other objects that the cat is afraid of). In the end, a festive tree can be drawn on the window or directly on the wall, or you can create an application. But today we will not talk about creative solutions, but about how to secure a classic Christmas tree. Go!
- Natural or artificial?
If you have a pet in the house, it is better to choose an artificial Christmas tree. She’s much safer. Cats simply love to chew on live branches, but plastic needles usually do not attract their attention. Natural Christmas trees have very sharp needles and branches, a cat that decides to taste them can be seriously injured. In addition, living Christmas trees crumble, and the pet will surely spread the needles throughout the house.
- Take care of the foundation!
Whatever tree you choose, it must be “strongly on its feet.” Choose a strong and stable stand. Try to shake the tree with your hand. If she is already barely holding on, she definitely won’t be able to cope with a cat.
Please note that natural Christmas trees usually stand in buckets with filler, such as sand. When choosing this option, be prepared that your pet will definitely arrange excavations.
If the tree is in a container of water, do not let the cat drink it. This can lead to poisoning!
- Looking for a safe place!
Think carefully about where to place the tree. If the Christmas tree is small, it may be safe for her on the bedside table, refrigerator or on a shelf where the cat will not reach her. Of course, a lot depends on the cat itself. Some prefer not to strain once again, while for others, jumping on the refrigerator or closet is a daily ritual.
It is better to install a large Christmas tree in a relatively free part of the room. It is desirable that there are no objects next to it that can serve as a springboard for the cat.
If possible, install the tree in the part of the apartment that you can close from the cat at night or while you are not at home. By the way, the Christmas tree looks very beautiful on the covered balcony.
- Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!
You don’t need to decorate the Christmas tree as soon as you put it up. The cat, most likely, so burns with curiosity! Give her some time to get used to it.
When you decorate the Christmas tree, take the cat out of the room. Otherwise, your actions and various toys will attract the attention of the cat, and he will certainly go on the offensive!
- Choosing the right jewelry!
To protect the Christmas tree from cats, it is better for owners to abandon glass toys in favor of plastic and textile ones. Choose large enough models so that the cat does not have the desire to chew on them. It is desirable that they be static and not sway from the slightest breeze. Swinging and spinning shiny toys will definitely attract the attention of a cat. She will definitely start hunting for them!
Rain should also be avoided. Very often, overplayed pets swallow them, and this is already a serious danger to life. Alternatively, instead of rain, you can use large tinsel. But if the pet shows an increased interest in it, it is better to remove it too.
If the cat swallowed rain, chewed on a glass toy, or got hurt by a splinter, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible! This is very dangerous for her life, and such situations should not be allowed!
Artificial snow, edible toys and candles are also not recommended. Snow is toxic, the cat will try to get food, and candles are a real fire threat.
- Less is better!
We recommend decorating the Christmas tree in a minimalist style. Don’t use too many toys, and mostly keep them close to the top.
- We divert attention!
Give your cat more special toys: tracks, teasers, wobblers, tubes, mazes, etc. The more alternatives the huntress has, the less attention she will pay to the tree.
- We scare away from the tree!
Curious and overly active cats can literally stick to the tree and wait for days for the right moment to climb it. You can try to scare away restless extremals. Cats react sharply to smells, which means that we will use them.
If your cat doesn’t like citrus fruits, place orange, tangerine, or lemon peels at the base of the spruce. Or try the big guns: special cat repellent sprays. With this spray, you can spray at least the entire Christmas tree, but it’s better not to overdo it. And cats are afraid of foil: they don’t like to run their claws into it! Using this weakness, you can try wrapping foil around the base of the tree.
- Maybe a garland?
A garland is the final touch in the image of a Christmas tree and plus a hundred to create New Year’s comfort. But is it dangerous for cats? Potentially dangerous. But by wrapping the garland tightly around the tree table so it doesn’t hang loose, and turning it off every time you leave, the risk is minimized.
- Now what?
You have done everything possible to create a holiday atmosphere and keep your pet safe. We are proud of you!
Now you know how to protect a Christmas tree from a cat. It remains only to test the effectiveness in practice!
Watch your pet. Calm cats rarely claim the Christmas tree, but hyperactive ones can destroy it over and over again, perceiving what is happening as an interesting game. In the second case, the problem will have to be solved by trial and error. We will be very happy if you tell us about your results!
Have a cozy Christmas tree, a healthy cat and a happy New Year!