Types of Rodents
Rex guinea pig
Rex (Rex Guinea Pig) in translation means “royal”, but in relation to guinea pigs of this breed, the epithets “funny”, “cheerful”, “nimble” are more suitable. The Rex is one of the most popular…
Plain Smooth Coated Guinea Pig
Plain Smooth – This is the most common breed of guinea pigs. It is these guinea pigs that can most often be found in pet stores. They have a short, shiny coat, smooth,…
Peruvian guinea pig
Representatives of the Peruvian breed (Peruvian Ginea Pig) are majestic guinea pigs, with long, flowing hair, a truly royal pet. Although Peruvians are very energetic, friendly and sweet animals, before you get yourself…
panda guinea pig
Panda guinea pigs are the official breed of New Zealand. It was here that this breed was bred at the end of the last century by the breeder Ethel McKeyn (Ethel MakKeyn) as…
Guinea pig Mini-Yak
The mini yak guinea pig (Sheba Mini Yak) is known as the “Australian breed” because it was bred in Australia. In fact, a mini-yak is a long-haired Abyssinian guinea pig, with pronounced rosettes…
Guinea pig breed Minipli (Minipli)
Minipli (miniplay) is a rare breed of long-haired wire-haired curly guinea pigs. In this breed, the dominant curly genes of the lungaria (Lulu) and the recessive genes of the alpaca curly (rxrx) have…
Merino guinea pig
Merino (Merino Guinea Pig) is a very beautiful, even majestic breed with long curly hair and a rosette crown on its head. Outwardly, merino pigs are very similar to texels and coronets. They…
Guinea pig Lunkaria
Lunkaria (Lunkarya Guinea Pig), with an emphasis on “and”, is one of the newest and most recent breeds in the world of guinea pigs. The appearance of lunkar pigs is very attractive and…
Guinea pig Kui
Kui, giant guinea pigs, come in many varieties. COBAYOS with a weight of up to 4 kg, the largest of them. They reach a length of 50 cm. Kui species differ in size…
Guinea pig Crested
The Crested is a short-haired and smooth-haired breed of guinea pig. The main distinguishing feature of Cresteds is the rosette on the forehead, which gives the pig a funny, slightly disheveled and pouty…