Turtles at home, how long they can live: sea, land tortoise and Central Asian tortoise
The dream of immortality is the most intimate for most people. No matter how long a person’s life is, more and more information appears about animals whose life expectancy is incomparable to ours.…
How long do red-eared turtles live, keeping and caring for them
Many animal lovers wonder: what is the lifespan of a turtle. It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Everything will depend on the species to which the pet belongs.…
How long do snails live: recommendations for care from experienced professionals
Many people dream of having a pet, but the need to walk it, as well as an allergy to wool, often stop a person. Therefore, the best choice in this case would be…
How to care for a land tortoise at home: feeding, hygiene and life expectancy
It has now become fashionable to have exotic animals at home, such as a turtle. These exotic representatives of the flora are aquatic and terrestrial. If you take care of them correctly, then…
Terrarium for the red-eared turtle – which one is better to choose, ready-made or made to order?
Recently, red-eared turtles, like many other exotic animals, have become very popular in the country. It’s well deserved. The species of red-eared turtles is a prime example of this. Many lovers of these…
Fenech content at home: acquaintance, care and feeding
Exotic pets in the house are no longer a rarity. Greater preference is given to wild animals. Phoenixes are becoming more and more popular, but due to the high cost, few can afford…
Who are grape snails: growing and breeding individuals
Today, quite a lot of people are engaged in breeding grape snails. There are several reasons for this: despite the fact that their breeding costs almost nothing, you can make good money on…
Aquarium snails: the most common species, maintenance and nutrition
Snails are gastropod molluscs that have an outer shell. Distributed everywhere, especially on the coasts of the seas in the tropics and subtropics. In the design of the aquarium, they are familiar and…
Homemade land snails: types and features, maintenance, daily care, nutrition and expert advice
Land snails are pretty, unpretentious and economical creatures, the breeding of which at home is a very popular activity in our time. This is explained by the fact that the content of the…
Maintenance and proper care of a bat at home
Many people get pets, focusing on their taste. Someone wants to have cats, dogs, hamsters, birds at home, and some prefer the exotic, for example, a bat. Few dare to keep this animal,…