Cat Behavior
Why do cats eyes glow in the dark?
It must be said right away: the eyes of cats do not actually glow in the dark, that is, they do not emit light, as many still think. They just reflect the beam…
The cat keeps opening the door. What to do?
Pet owners often complain about the behavior of their pets: a wayward cat scratches the door and even opens it when it pleases. It is especially unpleasant if the pet does this at…
How to separate fighting cats?
On the one hand, several cats in the house are a joy. And not only for the owner, but also for the animals themselves. They will never be bored or lonely, they always…
Why do cats love valerian?
Curiously, valerian does not work on all cats. Some animals do not pay attention to her smell at all. To understand why cats react to valerian, it’s worth understanding how it works. What…
Why can’t you look a cat in the eyes for a long time?
Whatever signs and legends the people did not compose: a black cat that crossed the road is a harbinger of failure, a cat is a companion of the devil and a minion of…
Cat stress. What to do?
Most importantly, remember that stress is a normal reaction of the body to an external stimulus. However, the degree of stress is very important, because the choice of means that will be required…
Why does the cat twitch in a dream?
On average, cats sleep from 12 to 18 hours a day – a lot depends on individual characteristics. Observant owners may notice that the sleep of pets is not always the same. Sometimes…
How to wean a cat to steal food from the table?
Sometimes it seems that the dining table is the most interesting part of the apartment for a cat. The pet strives to jump in and settle down somewhere in the center for sleep,…
Why does a cat watch TV?
Cat vision and human vision are different. Cats also have binocular, three-dimensional vision, but due to the special structure of the pupil at dusk, caudates see much better than humans. The distance at…
Why is the cat hiding?
“Don’t touch me or I’ll wither” What can make a cat look for a secluded corner? Imagine a situation that you brought a kitten into the house. And the older the baby becomes,…