Cat or cat: which one to choose
Who to choose in the apartment: a cat or a cat? How do pets differ by gender? Let’s discuss the pros and cons of ladies and gentlemen to make it easier for you to make a choice.
When you come to the breeder to choose a kitten, then all the crumbs behave in approximately the same way regardless of gender: they are active, mobile, inquisitive and playful. There are, of course, exceptions, but in general, the kids are identical. But this is for the time being.
As kittens begin to grow, their temperament will change depending on individual inclinations, breed and gender. We will talk about the character and habits of cats and cats further.
It is generally accepted that cats are more affectionate and gentle, they have a soft and good-natured character, which makes it easier for them to get along with other pets and small children. That cats are more attached to the house, run away less often and do not jump from balconies for the sake of March adventures. But not everything is so clear.
Some cats can set the heat not only for cats, but literally for everyone in the house. With character, everything is very individual. Yes, and absolutely every pet can escape.
It is worth mentioning the physiological differences between a cat and a cat. If the owners do not take care of the sterilization or castration of their pet and let her go for walks, then the offspring will not have to wait long. If you do not intend to breed kittens, then it is better to spay or neuter the cat. However, such operations for females are more difficult than sterilization for cats. Cats take longer to recover, because. there is a cavity intervention in the body.
Castration and sterilization is done for both cats and cats. The difference is that during castration there is a resection of the sex glands and the synthesis of hormones. Simply put, the testicles are removed for males, and the uterus and ovaries are removed for females. During sterilization in cats and cats, everything remains in place, they only tie the fallopian tubes or testes, but the hormonal background does not change.
Sexually mature cats during estrus behave differently. Some change minimally in behavior, others become real savages: they scream, meow drawn out, behave anxiously and even aggressively. It is believed that only cats mark the territory, but females can do this too, although this is less common.
Physiology cannot be changed and you will have to come to terms with it. But the character of each cat is individual and it is very difficult to predict what it will be like.
For cat owners, one aspect becomes important – the absence of pregnancies and kittens. But in modern realities, thinking in this way is already incorrect. A responsible owner must spay or neuter a pet in a timely manner if he is not involved in breeding, so this fear is a thing of the past.
The nature of cats should be discussed separately. If cats are most often affectionate creatures, then give cats drive and adventure. They are ready to fearlessly jump from a height of 5 floors, run away from the owner for the sake of dates on the roof with the lady of the heart, climb the highest tree and dream of fighting with rivals. Usually cats have a more freedom-loving and leadership character.
But here, too, not everything is so clear. The male Oriental or Sphynx will be more affectionate and will not encroach on the dominant position in the house, which cannot be said about the Maine Coon, which a priori considers itself more important than not only all the animals in the house, but also the owners.
Within the same breed, there are completely different individuals with different characters. It’s not a fact that you will come across a darling oriental or a formidable Maine Coon – it can be the other way around.
To determine the boundaries of their territory, cats mark it. And the smell of these labels is very specific. For many owners, this becomes a real problem.
In size, cats are larger and stronger than cats, so it is much easier for them to stand up for themselves if they are out of the house. And if you really like big purrs, then males are definitely your option.
The issue of castration and sterilization with cats is solved faster, easier and cheaper. The recovery period is short, and the risk of complications is minimal.
In the question of who is better to have: a cat or a cat, there is no definite answer. It all depends on the breed, individual qualities and, of course, upbringing. Not always a kitty is an affectionate angel, and a cat is an independent fighter and joker. Therefore, when choosing a pet, it is better to rely not on gender, but on the individual traits of the pet – and, of course, your inner voice. Gender is not important. The main thing is that you sincerely love your four-legged friend!