Cat and tray: the most common problems
Care and Maintenance

Cat and tray: the most common problems

The reasons why a cat may have litter box problems can be divided into two types: medical (health-related) and behavioral.

And first of all, you must exclude health-related causes. To do this, be sure to consult with a veterinarian, pass the necessary tests, etc. And only if the cat is healthy and ignores the tray for behavioral reasons, you can begin to deal with them.

What could be the reasons?

  • The cat may suffer from separation from the owner and because of this, stop going to the toilet in the right place;
  • If a cat has recently had stress, then it can manifest itself in this way. For example, you moved to another apartment, and this has become a real test for your pet, so he temporarily refuses to go to the tray;
  • A cat can show you that she is bored in this way. In this case, it is worth buying her more toys and playing with her every day so that she directs her energy in a peaceful direction;
  • Often the problem lies in the tray itself – it may not be suitable for your pet.

Tray related issues:

  1. Unpleasant odor

    Cats are very clean, and if the litter box is dirty, they will go to the toilet elsewhere. In addition, a cat’s sense of smell is many times sharper than a human’s, so an unpleasant smell can scare a pet away from the tray. So always keep your cat litter box clean.

  2. Wrong location

    The cat needs privacy, so make sure that its litter box is not in the aisle, but in a comfortable place where it will not be distracted by extraneous noises or smells.

  3. Wrong size

    If the litter box seems too small for your cat, she will ignore it. It is better to purchase a larger tray so that the pet is definitely comfortable.

  4. Not enough trays

    For some cats, one litter box is not enough, they also need a second one. And if more than one cat lives in your house, then each pet will need its own toilet.

  5. Wrong filler

    If your cat is accustomed to one type of litter, then it is better not to experiment with it. Cats do not like any change, so even a change in brand of litter can cause them to refuse to go to the litter box.

    If, on the contrary, your cat initially refuses to go to the tray, try changing the filler. And when you pick one she likes, again, don’t change it again.

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