Cat and child in the house: rules of communication and interaction
Nothing makes a child feel better than a furry friend. Most cats also like it when several people provide them with attention and care at once. Children and cats get along well and play together, if only they know how to respect each other’s needs and desires.
How to make friends a cat and a child? Never leave preschoolers alone with a cat. Children are mobile and noisy and can frighten or even injure the animal. A frightened cat, in turn, may bite or scratch the offender. The games of preschool children with a cat should always be supervised by adults.
Before starting to communicate with a cat, all children need to be told about the basic rules for handling animals:
- Always pick up the cat, with one hand on the chest and the other on the hind legs. She can rest her front paws on your shoulder, but you still need to hold her hind legs.
- If the animal resists or tries to break free, release it.
- If a cat has its ears pressed to its head and wags its tail from side to side, it means that something does not like it and it is better to leave it alone.
- Most cats don’t like having their belly touched. She may get scared and bite.
- Use the right toys to play with your pet. Teasing him or offering to catch your hand or finger is not a good idea.
- Do not touch the cat when she is sleeping, eating or doing her business in the tray.
Many parents get a pet to teach their children about compassion and responsibility. This does not always work with young children. If a child does not have time to perform the basic duties associated with caring for a cat, such as feeding her Hill’s Science Plan Indoor food, washing and cleaning the litter box, then the animal suffers first of all. Before you get a cat, consider whether you are ready to devote yourself to caring for her. Then everyone will be happy: children, cats, and parents.
The cat should have its own secluded corner, where she will have the opportunity to be alone. It can be an entire room (you can also put her tray there) or even the space under the bed. The best furniture for a cat is a tall tower cat house. Cats like to sit on high surfaces. The tower house can serve as a scratching post and a secluded place where you can hide from annoying hands.
SOURCE: ©2009 Hills Pet Nutrition, Inc.