Carrying a cat on a train
Is it possible to travel with a cat by train and what is needed for this? Today we will try to bring as much clarity as possible to these issues by referring to the new rules for transporting cats on long-distance trains.
Can a cat be transported on a train?
Yes, and yes again. In addition, it is very convenient and simple. However, everywhere there are pitfalls, and in this case it all depends on the carrier. Far from all carriages and even not all trains are allowed to transport pets. So, we take note of the main rule!
Before choosing a route and buying a ticket, be sure to check whether it is allowed to transport animals on a particular train and in a particular carriage. The conditions for transporting pets differ depending on the carrier. Therefore, first read the conditions in detail and only then purchase a ticket.
Do I need to purchase a separate ticket for a cat?
To transport a pet, you pay for your train ticket and a special baggage receipt, which will actually be a ticket for your four-legged friend. The cost of this receipt differs depending on the carrier and wagon class. The approximate cost of transporting a cat in a reserved seat car is 450 rubles.
In which wagon can a cat be transported?
And in this matter, everything again depends on the carrier. In general, cats can be transported both in second-class and in compartment cars, but it is the carrier who determines which ones. That is, if you have planned a trip with a cat, be sure to specify in which carriage you can buy a ticket. Otherwise, a furry friend may not be allowed to travel.
Do I need to buy all the compartments if you are traveling with a cat?
As a rule, such a need exists only in SV and extra comfort carriages. If we are talking about a standard coupe, you do not need to buy all the seats. You only pay for your ticket and pet receipt. But, again, the specific carrier will provide accurate information.
What do you need to transport a cat on a train?
What documents are needed to transport a cat on a train? According to the new rules of 2017, this is extremely simple. If the carrier is Russian and you are traveling around Russia, then … you don’t need any documents for a cat! No veterinary passport, no veterinary certificate – nothing. The only thing you need to transport your pet is a paid transport receipt and a strong container.
But if you cross the border, then, as before, you will need a full package of documents: both a valid veterinary certificate No. 1, and a veterinary passport with up-to-date vaccinations, and possibly a chip. In this case, you need to find out detailed information about the transportation of pets from the carrier and the receiving party.
Is a shipping container required?
A cat can only be transported in a special, durable transport container (for example, MPS carriers are very popular). It is not recommended to take the cat out of the container during the entire journey. The sum of the three carrying dimensions must not exceed 180 cm.
The container with the pet is installed in the place of hand luggage.
So, let’s sum up. What are your main steps if you plan to transport your cat by train?
Orientation with the flight.
Call the Russian Railways information desk (or the carrier) and clarify whether pets can be transported on this flight and in which carriage. Learn more about conditions.
Issue a receipt for the transport of a pet. You can do this in parallel with the purchase of a ticket for yourself or after, presenting your ticket when issuing a receipt.
Purchase a durable cat carrier.
Keep in mind that the rules for transporting pets change frequently. When planning a trip, always check the current conditions of transportation!
That’s all the main points. Good luck on your journey!