Can you feed a turtle gammarus?
In nature, the turtle’s diet is famous for its diversity. This means that even at home, you should not limit your pet to one food line. The need for a varied diet must be fully satisfied, because only in this way will the turtle grow healthy and strong. But what to supplement the basic diet? Is gammarus suitable for this role?
Gammarus is an amphipod with a high nutritional value and contains a large amount of carotene and carotenoids. Under natural habitat conditions, aquatic turtles enjoy eating gammarus with pleasure, and it is desirable to maintain this healthy eating habit even when keeping turtles at home. Gammarus as a rich source of vitamins and protein is an excellent addition to the diet and is very popular with turtles.
However, not all crustaceans are equally tasty and healthy. If you come to a pet store for a gammarus, then two varieties of it will appear to your attention: Russian and Chinese.
And here’s what’s especially interesting. Chinese gammarus weighs more than Russian. However, do not be fooled by this: its nutritional value is much lower than our counterpart. The fact is that Chinese crustaceans have a larger shell, but the shell does not carry nutritional value, which means that its mass is not so important. The Russian gammarus, despite its lighter weight, is in fact larger than the Chinese one, and, accordingly, is much more valued in the modern market.
Now we know that it is better to choose Russian gammarus. But the country of origin is not the only important indicator of product quality.
It is important to choose trusted brands so that you don’t have to worry about the safety of your pet’s food. Do not forget that poorly cleaned, poorly packaged and improperly stored gammarus can lead to serious poisoning and pose a danger to the health and even life of the turtle. Reliable brands pay great attention to each stage of production and subsequent packaging of crustaceans.
For example, Fiory’s unique cleaning technology removes the finest dust and seemingly minor contaminants. After the selection and cleaning process, the crustaceans are packed in glass jars, which ensures proper storage and excludes contamination and spoilage of the product. By the way, this popular brand uses exclusively Russian gammarus and guarantees 100% quality.
It’s no secret that proper nutrition is the key to good health and a long life. The well-being of our wards directly depends on us, on the products that we choose for them, and on the diet that we build. Approach such a matter as feeding responsibly and take care of your little friends!