Can rats laugh? Video of laughing rat

Rats differ from other rodents not only in cunning, ingenuity and a lively mind. It turns out that rats can laugh, or rather, make sounds resembling a giggle. What is the reason for the laughter of animals and how to cause a joyful smile on the face of your pet?
What makes rats laugh
Tailed pets react to tickling in the same way as humans. If you tickle the back of the paws, the area behind the ears or the stomach, this process gives the pet pleasure and pleasant sensations. At the same time, cute animals cheep merrily, as if giggling with pleasure. Many owners even claim that when they tickle the animal’s tummy, a satisfied expression resembling a smile appears on the muzzle of their beloved pet.
But not only the tickling of certain parts of the body causes joyful laughter in small creatures. By studying the behavior of tailed animals in various situations, scientists were able to make a startling discovery: some rats can laugh when they play with each other or watch the funny antics of their compatriots. And, according to the researchers, ornamental rodents more often choose “laughing” relatives as marriage partners.
How rats laugh
These rodents use a variety of sounds to express their feelings and emotions. For example, if the animal chirps and squeals, it means that he is frightened or in pain. The hissing of a pet indicates that the animal is hostile and aggressive, and at such moments it is better not to disturb it.
And the tailed pet expresses his delight, the joy of communicating with the owner, or the pleasure of his touch with laughter. You can understand that a rat is laughing by the characteristic sounds, such as grunting and squeaking.
But rodents can laugh not only with the help of sounds. According to some studies, you can tell if rats are smiling by looking at their ears. When the animals were tickled on the stomach or paws, the ears of the animals hung relaxed and turned red. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that when a rodent experiences positive emotions and joy, it relaxes, and increased blood flow enters its ears, as a result of which they turn red.
A domestic decorative rat will quickly get used to the owner and become an affectionate and gentle pet if you pamper it with attention and care. After all, then a cute animal will often delight the owner with laughter and a satisfied happy smile.
Video of a rat laughing
Can rats laugh
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