Can hamsters have boiled and raw eggs, protein and yolk for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters

A protein supplement to the daily diet of domestic rodents may consist not only of feed purchased at a pet store. An egg is the most affordable source of protein, so let’s see if hamsters can have a boiled or raw egg and which one is better to choose: chicken or quail.
Useful properties and composition
Bird eggs are one of the most easily digestible and nutritious foods, the benefits of which for the body of small rodents are undeniable. The product, which includes various protein compounds, protein, vitamins of several groups, enzymes and carbohydrates, with moderate consumption, allows you to:
- strengthen bones;
- normalize the work of the liver;
- help the nervous system to function well;
- contribute to the proper development of the fetus in pregnant women;
- avoid tumors.
Such a wonderful product will only help your pet feel alert and healthy, so giving your hamster a boiled egg is a must. The yolk is the most useful part for the baby, but you should not refuse the protein either.
Purchase the product only in reliable places. Also need carefully monitor the expiration dateso as not to poison the baby.
Is heat treatment required?
Salmonellosis is an extremely dangerous disease not only for humans. Giving hamsters eggs that have not undergone heat treatment is a risk to the health and life of pets. This can only be done if you are absolutely convinced of the health of the bird.
The bacterium dies at a temperature of 55 – 75 C, so boiled eggs are definitely safe.
Chicken or quail
Quail eggs contain even more nutrients than chicken. They have a greater nutritional value, restore the immunity of an organism weakened by a disease, help strengthen blood vessels, and are hypoallergenic.
Their only drawback is the price, which is higher than that of chicken ones. However, if you are ready to give your pet the best, you can be sure that this food will suit him.
When and how much to give
Despite all the beneficial qualities of eggs, their excessive use will negatively affect the digestive tract of the rodent. In accordance with the recommendations of veterinarians, the maximum amount of the product is a third of a chicken or half of a quail egg 1-2 times a week.
Some owners are worried about whether a boiled egg can be given to a hamster in a whole piece. Yes, you can give it right, you can cut it, or you can grate it on a fine grater, mix with chopped carrots and the animal’s favorite cereal mixture. Try different options, and the pet will choose what he likes best.
Whether to add jungars and Syrian hamsters to the diet
Dzungarian hamsters can be given eggs in the same volume as the rest. For them, this is just as useful a product as for others. If your jungarik agrees to the introduction of this storehouse of vitamins and trace elements into the diet, do not deprive him of such a treat.
Syrian hamsters can also eat testicles (necessarily boiled) according to the usual feeding scheme common to all breeds.
The consumption of protein food in small quantities is mandatory for the hamster. If your pet refuses to eat an egg, then it is imperative to give him boiled chicken and low-fat cottage cheese.
Eggs in the diet of hamsters
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