Can hamsters eat nectarine, orange, tangerine or mango

Oranges and tangerines are common fruits in our area, so rodent owners regularly wonder if hamsters can eat citrus fruits, mangoes, and nectarines. These foods are easy to buy, they are the richest source of vitamin C, so it seems that these fruits are a wonderful and healthy treat, however, this is not at all the case.
Can hamsters have an orange
Human and rodent organisms are arranged differently. What is very suitable for humans and recommended for constant use can significantly harm both large Syrian hamsters and tiny Dzungars.
It is strictly forbidden to give orange hamster. This is due to several reasons:
- a high level of vitamin C – the rodent’s body is able to synthesize it on its own, and an overabundance leads to a dangerous disease – hypervitaminosis;
- orange contains acid, and it harms the hamster’s teeth, which are enameled only on the outside;
- excessive acidity adversely affects the walls of the stomach, and the digestive system of these animals is very delicate, and even the smallest violations are fraught with serious illnesses.
Can hamsters tangerines
Tangerines also belong to the citrus group, so the answer to the question of whether it is permissible to give tangerines to hamsters is unambiguously negative. The reasons for this categorical ban are similar to those for which oranges were removed from the diet of rodents.
Their exclusion from the menu of Djungarian, Syrian and other hamsters applies to all types of citrus fruits, so owners looking for information about whether hamsters can lemon, also expects disappointing information – sour slices are very harmful to rodents.
Can a hamster have nectarine
On the nectarinesas on peaches, the categorical ban does not apply, however, there are restrictions. This is a fairly large fruit and spoils too quickly, so it is necessary to give tiny slices and observe the reaction of the pet. It is better not to give excessively sweet pieces to jungars who are prone to diabetes.
Basic rules for feeding nectarines:
- treats can appear in the feeder no more than a couple of times a month;
- if the pet does not eat, then it is necessary to immediately remove the slices – it is easy to poison the rotten fruit;
- the bones must be removed – they are large and very hard, there is a risk that the pet will break the incisors.
Can hamsters have mango
Mango, along with pineapple и kiwi, belong to exotic fruits, however, unlike the last 2, there is no categorical ban on a large fruit. The lists of acceptable products published on foreign resources indicate that mangoes are allowed, however, other sources state that this fruit can be given in small portions or completely abandoned.
In this case, the decision is entirely up to the rodent owner. It is also recommended to discuss this matter with the breeder and veterinarian, and then, in case of a positive decision, try to give a tiny piece, and see if allergies or other signs of illness appear. Activity and a good appetite are the first signs of a pet’s health. If the baby is cheerful and eats well, it means that he can occasionally be pampered with this exotic fruit.
Is it possible to give a hamster citrus fruits, nectarines and mangoes
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