Can guinea pigs eat peas and corn?

Vegetables in jars are frequent guests on the tables in their pure form or as an addition to a salad. Rodent owners want to pamper their pet, diversify their diet, but they need to find out if it is possible to give guinea pigs peas or corn grains.
Are green peas allowed
It must be borne in mind that when it comes to a green pot, then we are talking about a fresh product. Any grains from a can are the best way to significantly worsen the health of a rodent. Peas, extracted from a pod plucked from the garden, are used by some owners as a delicacy.
Offer guinea pigs green peas should be 2-3 things every few days and carefully monitor the well-being of the pet.

Is it possible for an animal to eat a peel
Peel and pea greens are also healthy delicacies, subject to the measure. Like other parts of the plant, they should be offered occasionally. But there is information from breeders that some individuals are indifferent to such a treat.
Are dry peas allowed?
Dry peas are not recommended. The product can provoke various disorders in the pet’s digestive system. However, some manufacturers add it as a component to industrial feeds.
Pea pods in the diet: yes or no
The best solution is to offer your pet fresh peas in a pod once a week, plucked from the garden. The rodent herself will choose what she likes best. Most often, the skin is eaten first, then the animal can also gnaw on peas.
Video: in what form to give peas to a guinea pig
Can guinea pigs be given corn?

According to experts, corn contains many substances necessary for the full life of the animal. However, very young grains are considered useful, before they reach the milk stage.
In an effort to pamper your pet, you need to remember the delicate structure of his body. Therefore, even if the delicacy is very popular, it can only be offered in accordance with the recommendations of experts.
Video: Guinea pigs eat corn
Whether it is worth introducing potatoes and radishes into the diet of a pet, you will read about this in our articles “Can Guinea Pigs Be Given Potatoes” and “Can Guinea Pigs Be Given Radishes“.
Can a guinea pig eat peas and corn?
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