Can guinea pigs eat apples and pears?

Can guinea pigs eat apples and pears?

Can guinea pigs eat apples and pears?

During the fruit season, many people have an abundance of sweet fruits on their tables. Some of them are allowed for rodents, so owners often want to offer their pet a treat: give a guinea pig an apple or a pear. Given the delicate digestive system of pets, you must first work out whether they can eat these fruits.

Is it possible to give a guinea pig peaches, apricots, nectarines and grapes, read our articles: “Can a guinea pig have grapes and raisins” and “Can a guinea pig be given apricot, peach or nectarine?”.

Can guinea pigs eat apples

Apples contain a large supply of nutrients and vitamins that are necessary for all living beings. The presence of fiber helps to cleanse the digestive tract.

Fruits are included in the regular menu of rodents, but there are a number of criteria that help to give an apple to a pet correctly:

  • wash the fruit thoroughly and cut into pieces;
  • make sure that there is no mold and rot;
  • leave the seeds – their pets also eat;
  • an apple should be ripe, but not juicy and not soft – soft fibers cause inconvenience, remaining between the incisors and dirtying the muzzle. The latter fact provides an excellent breeding ground for bacteria;
  • it is not recommended to give sour fruits – acids irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

It is allowed to offer dried slices. They have fewer useful substances, but rodents grind their teeth about them.

Can guinea pigs eat apples and pears?
Harder varieties of apples and moderately sweet ones are suitable for guinea pigs.

It is strictly forbidden to give pieces of compote – the boiled mass turns sour in the pet’s stomach and causes illness.

Experts recommend treating pets with apples in the morning – fluffies eat less often at night, and the fruit may go bad.

The serving size is 2-3 slices, you need to treat the pig a couple of times a week: the presence of sugar imposes some restrictions due to the tendency of animals to become obese.

It is necessary to feed show animals with apples: this significantly improves the external performance before the show.

Video: how guinea pigs eat an apple

Is it worth giving a pear to a pet

For the first time, give your pet only a small piece of pear and see if it causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract

A guinea pig will eat a pear with pleasure, but with this fruit you need to be more careful because of the severity for the stomach. Pear feeding rules:

  • careful selection of the fetus and its subsequent washing;
  • fruit should be offered for breakfast, occasionally for dinner;
  • maximum serving size – 80 g;
  • the peel should be left, but the seeds should be carefully removed;
  • cut the fruit into large slices;
  • frequency – 1-2 times a week, not combining with other fruits.

Some experts believe that it is better to introduce fruits and berries into the diet in autumn and winter, when the amount of green fodder is reduced. After the first feeding, it is necessary to observe the pet’s stool – in some it causes constipation or diarrhea, especially in combination with water. There are also individuals in which pears are not of interest.

Can guinea pigs eat apples and pears

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