Can dogs have watermelon

Can dogs have watermelon

Can dogs eat watermelon? Of course, this is a great product for a picnic. If you love this juicy treat, but have stopped sharing it with your dog for fear it might be bad for him, you are partly on the right track. In fact, watermelon can be a healthy treat for dogs, as long as you feed your pet the right way.

What are the benefits of watermelon

The fleshy pink flesh of watermelon is rich in nutrients that are beneficial for both humans and four-legged friends.

According to Dogtime, watermelon is rich in potassium and vitamin C and is an excellent source of vitamins A and B6. It is rich in fiber, which promotes healthy digestion. This berry is high in sugar, but it doesn’t cause unhealthy blood sugar spikes because the fiber in watermelon helps it be slowly absorbed into your dog’s bloodstream.

Watermelon fruits do not contain sodium, fat and cholesterol. Watermelon is 92% water, so not only does it taste good, but it also allows you, with a little creativity, to provide your pet with the necessary coolness and moisture in the summer.

Is watermelon safe for dogs

The flesh of a watermelon is a safe and nutritious treat for a dog, but other parts of the fruit are not suitable. According to the American Kennel Club, ingestion of watermelon seeds by a dog can cause intestinal obstruction, which not only causes pain to the animal, but can also lead to complications requiring surgery.

One or two seeds are unlikely to cause health problems in large dogs, but it doesn’t take many seeds to cause intestinal obstruction in a small dog.

It is unwise to give your pet the hard green watermelon rind, as eating it can lead to gastrointestinal upset that causes vomiting or diarrhea. In small amounts, watermelon is a healthy treat, but overconsumption can make your dog indigestion due to its high fiber content.

How to give watermelon to your dog and what to avoid

When giving a dog watermelon, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • It is necessary to give the dog seedless varieties of watermelon or pieces from which all seeds have been removed.
  • You need to get the pulp with a special spoon or cut the watermelon into small pieces, completely removing the peel.
  • You can only give a dog natural watermelon. Artificially flavored watermelon treats or candies may contain other ingredients, sugar, or artificial sweeteners that are harmful to your pet.

On the recommendation of veterinarians, any treats should make up no more than 10% of the dog’s daily diet. Regardless of the pet’s size, you must follow this rule when deciding how much watermelon to give him. One cup of diced watermelon contains 45,6 calories. Even if the dog looks with big pleading eyes, it is important to remember that the food that she eats every day is enough for her to be happy. While it can sometimes be tempting to give in, remember that it’s best for your pet to get their nutrients from a quality, balanced dog food. Before feeding your pet human food, you should always consult with a veterinarian to make sure that it is not harmful. For many dogs, watermelon can be a healthy treat, but it’s best to know for sure that it won’t negatively impact your pet’s unique digestive system.

The next time you’re at a picnic, don’t wonder if your dog can have a watermelon or not. Treat your four-legged friend with a few pieces of pitted watermelon. Offered safely and in moderation, watermelon is a treat for your beloved dog that few can match.

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