Can cats cry?
This morning you had a real “scandal” with your beloved cat. She climbed onto the table again and dropped the flower pot. It shattered, the earth crumbled across the clean laminate, and you lost your temper: you yelled at the cat and threw a plush slipper at it. And everything would be fine: they flared up, it happens. But then you saw that the cat was sitting by the window, very sad, and … crying.
But can a cat cry out of sadness? Or is it something else? Let’s figure it out!
Cats have been with us for thousands of years, and it’s natural for us to humanize them. We endow them with the same emotions and reactions that we experience ourselves. But sometimes it comes back to us.
We really do have a lot in common with cats. However, we are completely different creatures, with different physiology and worldview. When we are very sad and hurt, we can cry. It seems to us that a beloved pet in a similar situation can do the same: “pout”, shed a tear. But cats don’t cry out of emotion. They also grieve, mourn and suffer, but they express it differently than we do. But then where are the tears in the eyes of the cat?
You can really find tears in the eyes of your pet. Do you know what popular veterinarian Sheri Morris from Oregon had to say about this? “Cats’ tears are a natural response to an irritant, injury, or disease.” And there is.
If you see that your cat is crying tears, then something is wrong with her in a physiological sense. Perhaps dust or hair got into her eye, or perhaps we are talking about an injury to the iris, vision problems, or conjunctivitis. There can be many reasons. We talked more about them and how to remove pollution in the article “”.
What will a responsible, competent owner do if his cat is “crying”? He will not transfer his reactions to the pet, will not ask for forgiveness and try to cheer up the cat. Instead, he will carefully examine the eyes of the pet and, if necessary, contact a veterinary specialist. Tearing of the eyes may be a safe temporary phenomenon, or it may be a signal that something is wrong with the cat’s body. In any case, it is better to find out the reason.
If you scolded the cat, and she “cried”, this is a coincidence. Watery eyes in a cat always have a physiological cause, not related to the emotional background, and it is very important to find it out. Do not transfer your feelings and behavior to pets, do not think that the cat is crying because you did not give her a treat or she has an autumn blues. We are similar in many ways, but still we belong to different biological species and we also behave differently.
Cats do not know how to cry from sadness or resentment. They can suffer and worry. Cats also experience emotions in relation to people and other animals, empathize. They just express it in their own way, especially.
Be sure that after a conflict with your beloved owner, your pet is stressed and disoriented. The cat is afraid of loud sounds, afraid of screams, and even more afraid of objects that can fly in her direction when passions are heated. Suspicious pets experience conflict situations so deeply that they hide under the bed for hours and refuse to eat. Frequent stress can lead to the most unfortunate consequences, up to a drop in immunity and a change in the psyche. In the future, this can provoke diseases of various systems of the cat’s body.
How do cats show their sadness? Everything is individual. But usually cats “cry” in the following ways:
hide, retire, avoid contact
become lethargic, lose interest in everything
lose their appetite
vocalize: scream, make other mournful sounds.
Temperamental cats can behave aggressively, arching, hissing and even attacking. All this is not because the cat is “bad”. This is a manifestation of fear, strong anxiety. A way to deal with stress and protect yourself.
If your cat behaves in this way, it is a signal that something has gone wrong in your relationship and that there are other strong stressors. The situation needs to be changed. Stress has never been good for anyone.
First of all, you need to exclude possible ailments or diseases. You may not know anything about them, but they will be the hidden cause of discomfort and stress for the cat. This will help the veterinarian.
Analyze the mode of the day, sleep and wakefulness. Does the cat have enough games and interesting activities? It is very important that the cat has a cozy corner where she could rest and sleep at any time and no one would bother her there. Even a child or your Jack Russell Terrier.
If the cat cannot find a secluded place to rest in the house, it will be constantly in suspense.
Take a closer look at the conditions surrounding you: is there a repair in the entrance of your house:? Do you have new neighbors, or do you have dogs or other animals in your neighborhood that your cat reacts to in this way?
Changing the environment is difficult, but it is up to you to provide the cat with cozy and comfortable conditions for sleeping and relaxing, as well as think through your day in such a way as to pay attention to it, interest it, play with it, and distract it. Communicate with the cat when she is awake, talk to her. It is important for a cat to hear your voice and your sincere friendly intonation.
Show affection and attention in the form in which the pet will be comfortable. It is not always necessary to pet a cat and carry it in your arms: not everyone likes it. Watch your pet’s reactions – your cat will definitely show its interest and make it clear what she likes and what not.
Cats love to walk on their own, they are very sensitive and delicate natures. Sometimes it takes a long time to learn to recognize the true reactions of your pet and respond to them correctly. If you are reading this article, we are sure you will not have any problems with this!
Good mood and happy eyes to your cats!