Cage for Djungarian hamster, dwelling for Djungarian (photo)

Djungarians are the most mobile and nimble, according to statistics they often run away, so the cage for the Djungarian hamster must be securely closed, be of the right size, with a small distance between the bars. Even 15 years ago, hamsters lived in banks and aquariums, this was due to a shortage of cages for rodents. Now on sale there are a variety of cages for Djungarian hamsters, large and small areas, one-, two- and three-story. To buy a suitable home for your baby, you need not to get confused and make the right choice.
A cage is a necessary and the largest investment you will make for your pet, it is not worth skimping on. A Djungarian hamster needs a large cage. The more rodents will live in it (for example, a mother with children), the more spacious the dwelling should be.
Single storey cages
What do the standards say?
According to European standards, the pallet area should be 1500 square meters. cm. That is, the cell should be 50 × 30 cm in size. It is better to purchase a single-story housing of a large area than a compact multi-story housing. This is due to the fact that the Dzungarians are very fond of jogging and free space, for them it is more important than climbing through the labyrinths between floors. In the wild, they run tens of kilometers a day.
If the cage is too small, the animal’s immunity will decrease, it will undergo obesity and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Choosing a good home
A cage for a hamster dzhungarika should be with horizontal bars. It is easier to install “interior items” on them: a wheel, a house, a drinking bowl, labyrinths. Horizontal rods are a good simulator for the Djungarian hamster, he will be happy to climb the walls and cling to the ceiling with his paws. It is important that the distance between the bars does not exceed 10 mm, this will prevent escape.
The standard cage for the Djungarian hamster is one-story. They are easy to clean and they are cheaper than “high-rise buildings”. Two- and three-story ones are distinguished by a wide variety of accessories, but if desired, wheels and labyrinths can be purchased separately. Often the top floor is for sleeping, and the bottom for playing. But the dzhungarik can make his own adjustments to the arrangement of the home and you should not interfere with him.

Cell with an interesting idea
Almost any owner is interested in how much his hamster runs per night. For this purpose, a cage with a mileage counter was invented. The advantage of this model is that the running ball is a removable part. By purchasing a cage, you also get a walking ball.
If you have acquaintances and friends who keep hamsters, you can arrange a competition “Whose hamster is the smartest?”.

multistory cages
Arrangement of a multi-storey dwelling
If you like a multi-storey cage for jungars, you need to choose the right one:
- the distance between the tiers should be at least 17 cm, and preferably 20-22 cm, so that the wheel fits, but not exceed 30 cm so that the baby is not injured when falling;
- choose shelves of floors from solid plastic, it is more convenient than an iron grate through which food and nest particles fall through, besides, it creates inconvenience when walking;
- if the bottom of the second floor is slatted, and you want to place children in such a cage, lay a piece of cardboard on the bottom so that they do not damage their paws. Cardboard needs to be changed as the animals chew on it.

If you want to watch a hamster, a cage will be very convenient. Ferplast Olimpia Cage Decor.
Additional modules can be purchased for this type of cage.
What should be the pallet?
The cage for the jungarik should be with a deep tray – the deeper it is, the better, especially if you are going to breed rodents. Children are mobile from the first days of life and if the pallet is low, they can fall out of their homes. Deep pallets are convenient for the owners: less debris will fly out during active games.
Also, as an option, you can purchase a cage with transparent plastic sides. Such a cage will definitely save you from additional cleaning around the cage. The disadvantages of this type are:
- difficulty in hanging various accessories;
- limiting the activity of the hamster, since he cannot climb up and down the walls as in a cage with rods.

This type of cage can be equipped with external tunnels. By purchasing additional tunnels, you can connect another cage or an additional module.

In pet stores, you can buy models with drawers. They are convenient in caring for parrots and canaries, but meaningless for jungars. Hamsters choose one corner for the toilet, so the liquid will leak and become a source of unpleasant odors, since there is no odor-absorbing filler behind the pull-out shelf.
What should be in the cage
You already know what the size of the cage for a dzhungarik should be, now it remains to deal with the filling. It should contain the following things:
- the house in which he will sleep;
- drinking bowl and bowl for food;
- wheel for training;
- chalk or mineral stone.
If the place allows, you can install podiums, tunnels, pipes, a bath with sand for bathing.

important points
Cages for jungarians must be well ventilated, otherwise they will accumulate the toxic smell of ammonia. It is important that the home is comfortable, and you can clean the pet at any time without spending a lot of time.

Djungarian hamster can choose a plastic cage. Such models have several levels, tunnels, pipes and other places for games. Differ in original design.

The plastic dwelling should not have protruding parts that the baby can chew on.
Important: make sure that the doors close tightly – dzungars are smart and they will quickly understand the principle of opening doors, which can lead to repeated escape attempts.
Remember that the best cage is the one in which the pet is comfortable. You will see this in his behavior.
Choosing a cage for the Djungarian hamster
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