Bucephalandra Melavi
Types of Aquarium Plants

Bucephalandra Melavi

Bucephalandra Melavi, scientific name Bucephalandra sordidula. Comes from Southeast Asia from the island of Borneo. Found only in the Melawi Regency region, West Kalimantan province, Indonesia. It grows along the banks of mountain streams, including in a submerged position, attaching its roots to rocks and snags.

Bucephalandra Melavi

It has been known in the aquarium trade since 2011, it was first brought to Germany. Depending on the batch, the appearance of plants is slightly different, however, they are recognized as one species. Perhaps in the future there will be a change in classification.

Bucephalandra Melavi has a creeping rhizome with a very short stem. The shape of the leaves is different – from oblong to oval, the edge is wavy. The color of old leaves is dark with red copper tints, young green or emerald. Almost every plant produces one inflorescence on a long pink stem. Moreover, inflorescences are formed even under water.

The plant is not demanding on growing conditions, is able to adapt to different levels of illumination and to a relatively wide range of acceptable temperatures. It can only grow on hard surfaces: stones, rock fragments, driftwood, decorative items. Not intended for planting in the ground!

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