Bucephalandra (sp. Bucephalandra) are relatively new plants in the aquarium hobby. The first types began to be used only at the beginning
They are endemic to the island of Borneo (Kalimantan), which in
Outwardly, different species have much in common: a creeping inconspicuous stem, relatively small leaves, with a glossy leaf blade from bright green to burgundy. When growing, dense clusters are formed, consisting of small bushes. Able to grow both underwater in aquariums and above water in the humid environment of paludariums. Considered to be an unpretentious and hardy plant with well-regulated growth, which, coupled with a beautiful appearance, has made them popular in professional and amateur aquariums in a short time.
Bucephalandra Pygmy Capit
Bucephalandra pygmy Kapit, scientific name Bucephalandra pygmaea “Kapit”
Bucephalandra Kedagang
Bucephalandra Kedagang, scientific name Bucephalandra sp. “Kedagang”
Bucephalandra Melavi
Bucephalandra Melavi, scientific name Bucephalandra sordidula
Bucephalandra Panchurai
Bucephalandra Panchurai, scientific name Bucephalandra sp. “Pancur Aji”
Bucephalandra Riam Makan
Bucephalandra Riam Makan, scientific name Bucephalandra sp. “Riam Macan”
Bucephalandra Sampit
Bucephalandra Sampit, scientific name Bucephalandra sp. Gunung Sumpit
Bucephalandra Serimbu
Bucephalandra Serimbu or Bucephalandra red-brown, scientific name Bucephalandra sp. “Brown-rot” (“Serimbu”)
Bucephalandra Pygmy Sintang
Bucephalandra pygmy “Wavy Leaf” or Bucephalandra pygmy Sintang, scientific name Bucephalandra pygmaea “Bukit Kelam/Sintang”
Bucephalandra narrow
Bucephalandra red-brown narrow, scientific name Bucephalandra sp. “Brown-rot narrow”