broad-headed catfish
Clarotes laticeps or Broadhead Catfish, scientific name Clarotes laticeps, belongs to the Claroteidae family. The fish is native to Africa. It is found almost throughout the continent in all major river systems.
It is rarely used in home aquariums due to its large size and unremarkable appearance.
In the wild, adults grow up to 80 cm and reach a weight of 10 kg. Catfish has an elongated body with large fins, against which a large head stands out. The color of the back is gray, the abdomen is light.
Behavior and Compatibility
Not aggressive moving fish. It prefers to swim in the water column in search of food, rather than hiding in a shelter. It can jump out of the aquarium for food hanging above the surface.
It gets along well with relatives and other species of comparable size. It is worth remembering that due to gastronomic features, any small (and even medium-sized) fish that can fit in the mouth of a broad-headed catfish will be eaten.
Brief information:
- The volume of the aquarium – from 500 liters.
- Temperature – 20-26°C
- Value pH — 6.5–8.0
- Water hardness – 5–25 dGH
- Substrate type – any
- Lighting – subdued
- Brackish water – no
- Water movement – any
- The size of the fish is up to 80 cm.
- Food – any sinking food
- Temperament – conditionally peaceful
- Content – alone or in a group
Maintenance and care, arrangement of aquariums
The minimum aquarium size for one catfish starts at 500 liters. Since Clarotes laticeps is found in nature in various environments, it can equally successfully live both in imitation of tropical swamps and fast mountain rivers with turbulent flows.
The content is simple. Makes low demands on the hydrochemical composition of water, adapting to a wide range of pH and dGH values. Perhaps the only important requirement is clean water.
Particular attention should be paid to the filtration system for regular maintenance of the aquarium.
Unpretentious in the choice of feed. Will accept most popular aquarium fish products.
Can eat smaller tankmates!