Breeds of white cats: overview and features
When choosing a pet, many future cat owners pay attention to the color of the coat. One of the most popular colors is considered to be white. What breeds are popular and what are their features?
Breeds of white cats are able to hit the heart. Hill’s experts have selected seven breeds that will not leave indifferent true connoisseurs of cats.
Turkish angora
The Angora cat is a long-haired beauty with a predominantly white color. The breed appeared on the territory of modern Turkey and Iran more than 500 years ago. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a fragile physique, well-developed muscles and fluffy white hair. A separate advantage is a luxurious tail. Angoras often suffer from heterochromia and have eyes of different colors. The Angora cat is characterized by curiosity and friendliness to all family members, while they are cautious and not particularly playful.
Burmese cat
Sacred Birman is a semi-longhair color-point cat. A feature of the breed is snow-white socks on all paws. Kittens are born predominantly white in color, but with age, spots of other shades appear on the coat around the muzzle and on the tail: dark brown, chocolate, blue, lilac or red. The eyes of Burmese cats are most often bright blue. The breed is distinguished by a calm character and royal manners, while the cats are very friendly, affectionate and love to sit in the arms of the owner.
Anatolian cat
Cats of this breed are considered aboriginal and originated from the territory of the Armenian Highlands. The Anatolian cat is characterized by a medium to large build, massive muscles and a short coat. The main recognized color is white. The breed has an amazing property for cats – they are very fond of water and will not refuse to swim. These white cats have a soft and friendly character, calmly spend time alone, they will not aggressively demand attention. At the same time, the cat will be happy to play and “talk” with you.
The Khao Mani is a white shorthair cat native to Thailand that has an impressive pedigree. In the Cat Book of Poems, there is a mention that these animals bring happiness and good luck to their owners. This breed is characterized by a medium build and developed muscles. The eyes are most often blue or amber, but heterochromia is also found. Animals are very curious, playful and very attached to their owner. Cats get along well with other pets, including dogs, and are very trusting of strangers.
Russian white
Despite its name, the Russian white cat was not bred in Russia at all, but in Australia. The breed was obtained by crossing the Russian blue and Siberian cats. The cat is distinguished by snow-white hair and a silvery sheen, long paws and a fluffy tail. The physique is slender, the ears are small and even. Representatives of the breed are wary of strangers, but are very attached to the owners, love to play with children. These cats are not the most active animals, so they make excellent companions for older people.
foreign white
The “foreign white” cat comes from the UK. The parents of the new breed were a Siamese cat and a snow-white British Shorthair. The kittens turned out without a characteristic defect – deafness. Animals have large ears, a slender build and long legs. Cats are very talkative and arrogant towards other pets, where it is better if the foreign white is your only pet. They are wary of children.
persian white
Persian cats are one of the most popular pets among felines. The wool of animals is very thick, long, with a soft and dense undercoat. Snow-white cats with blue eyes can be deaf from birth. If a white Persian lives in the family, the owners will have to carefully monitor that the animal does not get into trouble. Cats of this breed are friendly and peaceful, love to communicate with their owners and climb on hands. They treat children calmly and do not express hostility towards them. They feel quite comfortable being alone.
Whatever breed of cats with a white color is chosen by the future owners, the pet will attract attention in any case. She will definitely become an important member of the family.
See also:
- The first days of a cat in a new home: tips and tricks
- How to keep your cat’s coat healthy
- Preventive measures to keep your cat healthy
- Long-haired cat breeds: features and care