Black tiger shrimp
The black tiger shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis “Black Tiger”) belongs to the Atyidae family. An artificially bred species, not found in the wild. Adults reach only 3 cm. Life expectancy is about 2 years. There are several morphological classes that differ in eye color and pigmentation, there is even a blue variety of tiger shrimp.
Black tiger shrimp
Black tiger shrimp, scientific and trade name Caridina cf. cantonensis ‘Black Tiger’
Caridina cf. cantonensis «Black Tiger»
Shrimp Caridina cf. cantonensis “Black Tiger”, belongs to the family Atyidae
Maintenance and care
Suitable for almost any freshwater aquarium, the only limitation is large predatory or aggressive fish species for which such a miniature shrimp will be a great addition to their diet. The design should provide for places for shelters, for example, in the form of snags, grottoes and caves, various hollow objects (tubes, vessels, etc.), as well as thickets of plants. Shrimp thrive in a variety of water conditions, but successful breeding is only possible in soft, slightly acidic water.
It feeds on all types of food for aquarium fish (flakes, granules), will pick up food debris, thereby preventing water pollution by decomposition products. It is recommended to add herbal supplements in the form of pieces of homemade vegetables and fruits, otherwise you may encounter the problem of damage to ornamental plants.
General hardness – 1–10°dGH
Value pH — 6.0–7.0
Temperature — 15–30°С