Black and white cats: facts and features
Black and white cats are widely distributed among both pedigreed and outbred cats. What is their secret?
Many people like this coloring: when symmetrically arranged, the pattern gives the cat a strict and noble look, as if he is wearing a tuxedo and a mask. There are also funny variants of this color: sad eyebrows look like a house on a white muzzle. A completely white cat with a black tail or nose is also black and white.
A bit of genetics
All black and white cats have the gene for white spotting (piebald). Without going into details, we can describe its work as follows: during the development of the embryo, this gene slows down the movement of cells that will subsequently produce dark melanin, and thus suppresses pigmentation in certain areas of the body. The symmetry of the pattern is largely determined randomly and depends on many factors. But the share of white color directly depends on what combination of genes the black-and-white kitten got from its parents.
Varieties of color
In black and white colors, several subspecies can be distinguished:
- Bicolor
Black and white bicolors are approximately one third or half covered with white wool. The head, back and tail are usually black, and the collar on the neck, the triangle on the muzzle, chest, belly are white. It is to this subspecies that “cats in a tuxedo” belong – tuxedo cats.
- Harlequin
This variety of black and white colors is named after the character of the Italian commedia dell’arte, known for his colorful patchwork attire. The coat of a harlequin cat must be at least 50% white and a maximum of five-sixths. The chest, legs and neck should be white, and the tail should be completely black. There should also be a few clearly defined black spots on the head and body.
- Van
Van-colored animals are white cats with small black spots. The requirements for the location of the spots are strict: there must be two black spots on the muzzle or on the ears, one each on the tail and buttocks. It is also allowed from one to three spots on other parts of the body.
- Residual white spotting
This includes black cats with white paws, “medallions” on the chest, small spots on the abdomen or in the groin, and separate white hairs. For purebred cats, this color is a violation of the standard, but this is unlikely to reduce the love of owners for their pets!
Black and white cat breeds
It is widely believed that only cats of “noble” origin differ in black and white. But in fact there are a number of breeds whose standards include various variations of this color. To find a monochrome pet with a pedigree, you can look at the following breeds:
- British Shorthair.
- Persian.
- Maine Coon
- Canadian Sphinx.
- Munchkin.
- All rex.
- Siberian (rare color).
- Angora (rare color).
To be successful at shows, black and white cats need the correct spotting pattern, which is not easy to obtain when breeding. For exhibitions, you need to choose a kitten with a symmetrical color. At the same time, do not forget about the features of different breeds in order to choose the one that best suits.
Interesting Facts
Black and white cats “lit up” in a wide variety of areas. Here are just some of the interesting facts that were officially recorded:
- Black and white cat Merlin from England got into the Guinness Book of Records for the loudest purr – he purred at a volume of almost 68 decibels.
- The owners of black and white cats were such famous personalities as Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare and Ludwig van Beethoven.
- One of the most notable black-and-white cats is Palmerston, a mouser at the British Foreign Office who maintained his own Twitter account and clashed with Larry the cat from the prime minister’s residence. Sadly, Palmerston retired in 2020, having filed a formal resignation letter with paw prints instead of a signature.
Black and white cats: character
It is believed that monochrome cats took the best features from both black and white relatives. They are calm and friendly, but at the same time independent and playful. Whether this is really so, you can check on your own experience by taking a pet with this color. Articles about names for a black and white kitten and how to prepare for his arrival in the house will help you meet your new furry friend in full readiness.
See also:
- Adopt an adult cat
- What is the best cat to have in an apartment?
- The six friendliest cat breeds
- Purebred to the claws: how to distinguish a British from an ordinary kitten