Bear or shark: comparison of two predators, their advantages, disadvantages and which one is stronger

Bear or shark: comparison of two predators, their advantages, disadvantages and which one is stronger

At first glance, the question of who is stronger, a shark or a bear, may seem rather strange. However, as numerous polls show, many people are interested in the answer to it, and each person has his own opinion, as well as compelling arguments in defense of it.

How can you compare a bear and a shark?

It is unlikely that someday people will be able to see the fight between two such “titans” as a bear and a shark. And, first of all, this is due to the fact that they have different habitats Bears live on land, while sharks exist exclusively in water.

Of course, we all understand perfectly well that on earth even such a huge fish will not have a single chance and it will become a victim of ordinary asphyxia. While the clumsy bear still has a slight advantage, as it swims well. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that bears are used to moving on land and in the water they lose all their dexterity.

Therefore, in order to decide who is stronger, a shark or a bear, we will have to analyze their advantages and disadvantages. And only after that we will be able to mentally recreate their fight, while imagining that each wrestler is in his usual conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages


First of all, it is worth noting that, due to the parameters of his body, the bear is initially in a more losing situation. The body weight of an adult bear rarely reaches 1 ton, and its height is 3 meters.

However, the clubfoot representative of the animal world also has undeniable advantages:

  • strong paws;
  • excellent maneuverability on land;
  • ability to jump;
  • sharp talons;
  • dexterity;
  • mobility;
  • smell.

Scientific studies have proven that it is the natural sense of smell of polar bears that helps them to smell their prey even at a distance of 32 km. In addition, it is worth noting that polar bears are considered hardy swimmers.


Now let’s look at what are the features and benefits of sharks:

  • in the water they maneuver perfectly;
  • these predatory fish are capable of developing quite high speed;
  • the endurance of this merciless predator is legendary;
  • her body weight reaches 14 tons, and the length, as a rule, is 12 m;
  • the shark has 6 rows of teeth and their number is approximately 200 pieces;
  • amazing intuition often helps sharks avoid danger.

Nutritional Comparison

The diet of polar bears and sharks consists of marine mammals. Both of these predators are considered very voracious and neither walruses nor seals can escape from their strong jaws. However, it is worth noting one curious feature: food keeps bears warm, and sharks need it rather to maintain their mass.

Due to its high warm-bloodedness, the bear, even in a fight with a strong and much larger shark, gains an additional advantage. And it lies in the fact that the bear is able to experience various emotions.

People who saw a bear during an attack of rabies claim that it easily throws huge ice floes away from itself. The powers of a bear in such a state are indeed increase several times and so he becomes a truly dangerous adversary.

Interesting facts about sharks

Sometimes scientists manage to extract quite interesting and unusual things from the womb of sharks. Here is a small list of the most amazing items found in the belly of these huge and strong fish:

  • deck scraper;
  • raincoat and winter coats;
  • car license plate;
  • helmet and knightly armor;
  • can for kerosene;
  • native “Tam-tam”, whose weight is about 7 kg;
  • dynamite;
  • shoes, belts and buttons;
  • Shark Shield electronic repeller;
  • scarf fan of the football team “Zenith”;
  • an empty can of Coca-Cola;
  • movie premiere ticket

Of course, this is not a complete list of everything that has ever been swallowed by sharks. Thanks to shark stomachs can easily expand if necessary, these huge fish, sometimes swallow a lot of unusual things, which they usually cannot digest.


Having carefully studied all the facts, we can say with confidence that in the confrontation between a bear and a shark, these two dangerous and incredibly strong predators there is an equal chance to win. Of course, we cannot say for sure that a meeting between a polar bear and a shark will ever happen, but such a possibility still exists.

The correct battle strategy and the effect of surprise will play an important role in such a fight. One of these formidable and rather aggressive predators will gain a significant advantage if it can catch its opponent by surprise.

Natural flair and excellently developed intuition help these terrible predators avoid open confrontations. They easily find themselves weaker prey.

Since scientists still do not have evidence of who is stronger than a shark or a bear, this question can be considered open. Each participant in a dispute or discussion on this topic must determine for himself the most promising and strong “fighter”.

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