Bathing suit for chinchillas: purchased and handmade

Chinchillas are extremely clean animals. In nature, these rodents regularly arrange “bath days” for themselves. Therefore, at home, a bathing suit for chinchillas is also necessary. This is important not only for the fur of the animal to be beautiful and fluffy. “Bath procedures” are very important for the general well-being of the pet, for his health.
How do chinchillas “wash”
In our human understanding, cleanliness is always associated with water and soap. But with rodents, things are different. Chinchillas “wash” not with water, but with volcanic sand.
It consists of the smallest grains that clean the fur well without damaging the skin. And you can not use ordinary sand. On the contrary, they can cause great harm to the animal.
Important! Real sterile volcanic sand should be purchased at pet stores in sealed packages.
If a seller offers bulk sand for bathing a chinchilla, this is a scammer trying to sell the wrong product to an unlucky buyer.
In the most extreme cases, you can arrange a traditional chinchilla wash with water. But you should know that the animals dry for a long time, so they can get sick after bathing.
However, drying rodent fur with a hair dryer is strictly prohibited. A wet animal is blotted with a soft cloth, wrapped in a dry one and hidden in the bosom, warming with its body.
It will be right if you allow the pet to live in the house according to the rules laid down by nature, and clean the fur as instinct dictates.
Bathing suits for chinchillas: basic rules for choosing
Rodents wash very actively. During this procedure, the sand is scattered around, which is unpleasant – it is difficult to remove it, it falls asleep in all the cracks.
Therefore, it is so important that the house has a special bathing suit for chinchillas. It is desirable that it has high sides and even a ceiling.

You can buy all accessories in pet stores. Today, the choice of products for pets is extremely large. You can make bathing suits for chinchillas with your own hands. But it must be taken into account that:
- all pet accessories must be made of non-toxic material;
- pet care items should be easy to wash;
- the bath should not have sharp edges, protrusions, so as not to injure the animal;
- a sufficient volume of dishes is important – the animal should have enough space inside;
- the entrance to the “bath” should be free enough.
Given the important selection rules, the owner will definitely select the best option for his pet.
Ready bath for chinchilla in the house
Making accessories for pets is not only a sign of the owner’s economy. Many people enjoy creating for their pets. Moreover, in many houses there are items that do not even require modifications.
A plastic bucket with a wide bottom or a stable basin with high sides is a ready-made bath for chinchillas.
Plastic trays for vegetables from the refrigerator are quite suitable containers for taking hygiene procedures.

And an aquarium or terrarium with sand at the bottom is a wonderful pool.
A ceramic tureen, a glass duckling bowl or a saucepan, if no one is already using them, will become a comfortable bath for the animal.
Metal utensils are also suitable: pots, basins, even night vases. It is only worth decorating them a little so that they please the human eye with indelible bright drawings or appliqué.
The disadvantages of these items include an open top through which sand can spill out due to the active actions of the animal.
But plastic containers for storing vegetables have a roof and an entrance, they clean well and look quite attractive.
This also includes picnic containers. They are made of plastic, very similar to cat carriers, only the bottom and walls are solid. But on top, in the lid, there is a wonderful “door” (apparently for the hand), into which the rodent can enter and exit when he gets tired of floundering in the sand.
What should be a chinchilla bathing suit
The best materials for them:
- metal;
- glass;
- ceramics.
The main advantages of such baths:
- they wash well and do not absorb odors;
- metal, glass and ceramic baths are heavy, therefore they are stable;
- the animals will not gnaw them – the baths will serve the pet for a long time.
Plastic and wood are considered suitable. However, baths made of these materials have more disadvantages. Plastic and wooden tubs are lighter. They may roll over. Lightweight and not very stable bathing suits should be fixed during use. The sharp teeth of a rodent often leave their marks on them, they can seriously ruin them. And wooden accessories also absorb the smell and get rid of sewage poorly.
Do-it-yourself bathing for chinchillas from a water tank
If nothing suitable is found around, you can make a “bath” yourself. Finding what you can make a bathing suit for a chinchilla is easy. It just takes a little thought.
A good bathing suit can be made from a 5 liter water bottle. The order of work is as follows:
- A new unused container with a closed lid is laid horizontally.
- The marker marks the opening for the entrance.
- Cut it out with a sharp knife.
- The edges of the hole are melted with a lighter (you can paste over with electrical tape, but the rodent will easily pull it off and eat it – and this is harmful).
This “bath” is used in a horizontal position. The animal climbs inside from above. Thanks to this position, the bathing suit is stable and quite voluminous.
Important! Only new dishes can be used for crafts. Even storage in a container of clean water for a long period starts chemical processes in plastic (it is not for nothing that it is not recommended to re-fill water into bottles).
This algorithm is suitable for making a bath from a canister.

Plywood chinchilla swimsuit
You can make such a “bath” in one evening. It is enough to carefully put together a plywood box with an entrance from above – and you’re done. To observe the process, one wall can be made of a transparent material, plexiglass or glass.

If you like to make accessories for your pet on your own, we recommend reading the articles “Organizing a toilet and accustoming a chinchilla to it” and “Selecting and creating your own feeders and sennitsa for a chinchilla”
Purchased and homemade bathing suits for chinchillas
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