Basilisk Helmonic: maintenance and care at home
In ancient times, people knew practically nothing about these reptiles, therefore they considered them mysterious and dangerous. The name “serpent king” only fueled fears and speculation.
Today everything has changed. Many exotic lovers dream of such a bright and characteristic pet. In this article we will tell you how to maintain his health, properly feed. We will give tips on caring for a lizard at home.
Description of the species
The Helmeted Basilisk (Basiliscus Plumifrons) is an unusual lizard with a large sail-shaped crest. It looks like a small dinosaur. In the natural environment, the color varies from bright green to olive. And offspring born in captivity are often a greenish-blue hue.
Living conditions and sizes
These representatives of the animal world live in Nicaragua, Ecuador, Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama. Basilisks are rarely seen in the highlands. They like to spend time in lowlands, warm secluded places along water bodies. When danger appears on the horizon, they can dive into the water.
The size of an adult is 60-80 cm, most of them are the tail. It performs an important function – it helps to balance when running.
Basilisk moves well not only on land, but also on water. It is capable of moving up to 400 meters. The speed at the same time reaches 11 km / h. Its hind legs are stronger than its front legs, and have skin pouches around its toes. On the water, they open up and fill with air. To prevent water from penetrating into the bags, reptiles need to move their paws very quickly.
Containment Equipment
Basilisks are shy. In case of danger, they instantly break from their place and run away. To prevent your pet from getting hurt by crashing into the glass, you can hang the glass with a lot of vegetation.
Special attention should be paid to the size of the dwelling. For a couple, the minimum parameters should be 90 × 45 × 90 cm. Inside, you need to install a pool, place driftwood and live or artificial plants. Such conditions are necessary for a long and happy life of the lizard.
Basilisks are able to tolerate a decrease in temperature at night without any problems. At the same time, a heating point must be present during daylight hours. The temperature of the cool part should not exceed 25°C, and at the warm-up point the temperature should reach 35 degrees. At night, the optimum temperature is around 24°C.
As a substrate, you can use tree bark, special mixtures with moss and leaves. They should retain moisture and not rot. The optimal layer thickness is from fifty to seventy millimeters.
Once every 14 days, you need to clean, and in case of serious pollution, change the soil completely.
The lizard must have a place where it can hide. Thick branches of snags and plant leaves will serve as a secluded place for her. Plant plants in the terrarium to create the feeling of a rainforest. So the pet will have more room for disguise and maneuvers.

About 12-14 hours a day, daylight and ultraviolet lamps should work. They help produce vitamin D3 and also absorb calcium. If this is not done, the basilisk will have a metabolic disorder.
The instructions indicate the period of time after which it is necessary to replace the UV lamps. On the designated date, install new lighting fixtures, even if the old ones have not yet failed.
The humidity inside the terrarium should be around 80%. Daily spraying with water and constant monitoring using a hygrometer will help keep it normal.
It is important for these reptiles to have constant access to their own body of water in which they can swim and drink. A large drinking bowl for bathing and a waterfall for drinking are suitable. You need to change the water to fresh daily. Filters can be installed in the water, this will allow you not to change the water often and quickly clean it. The bottom of the terrarium can be completely filled with water and then the basilisk will have a lot of space for swimming.

Basiliscus Plumifrons is an omnivorous lizard, but prefers insects and rodents. The diet of the Helmeted Basilisk should consist of crickets, locusts, cockroaches, caterpillars and larvae, as well as medium-sized mice. Do not forget about vitamin and mineral supplements, which must be given to lizards with each feeding.

The list of allowed foods includes: small pieces of banana or orange, dandelions.
Yes, their needs are different. A young basilisk needs to be fed insects once a day. An adult lizard eats less frequently – about 1 times a week.
In the diet of all animals in captivity, it is necessary to introduce vitamin supplements with calcium.
Basilisks become sexually mature at 1,5-2 years. One female can lay up to 18 eggs. They are covered with a leathery shell of white color. Pregnancy lasts about 2 months.
How long does the Helm-bearing Basilisk live?
Choose for yourself only representatives of the family hatched in captivity. Animals torn from their natural habitat do not tolerate a change in their usual environment and transportation. This can negatively affect life expectancy. The average is about 15 years.
Basilisks are herd animals. They are usually kept in groups.
When placing these lizards in the same space, several conditions must be observed:
- Exclude the joint stay of 2 males. Together they cannot get along.
- Offspring should not be left in a terrarium with adults. There is a chance that they will eat the babies.
Health maintenance
In order for your pet not to get sick and always be in good shape, you need to provide him with a certain level of humidity and light. Supplement with special reptile supplements to get your daily vitamin requirement.
Communication with the Helm-bearing Basilisk
These lizards are quite cowardly, while very agile. But they are easily tamed and get used to human contact.
Interesting Facts
- For the ability to move through the water, the basilisk received the name “lizard Jesus.”
- Scientists have recently identified basilisks as a separate family. They used to be classified as iguanas.
- Basiliscus plumifrons can spend up to two hours underwater.
Reptiles in our store
In the Panteric store you can buy an absolutely healthy animal, all the necessary equipment, suitable feed. Our consultants will tell you in detail about the features of the species and explain how to care for your pet. If you are often on the road, do not worry about keeping the reptile during this period. Leave her at our hotel. Experienced staff will take care of the temporary maintenance of the Helmeted Basilisk, its condition and physical condition.
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