Bambino is a designer hybrid of the Canadian Sphynx and Munchkin, presented to the world in 2005. The identification features of the representatives of the breed are short legs, a smooth, almost hairless body, huge ears.
Characteristics of Bambino
Country of origin | USA |
Wool type | bald |
Height | about 15cm |
Weight | 2–4 kg |
Age | 12–15 years old |
Basic moments
- The name “bambino” comes from the Italian bambino, which means “child”.
- The breed is listed as experimental by TICA, but so far only the TDCA (Toy Cat Association) and REFR (Exotic and Rare Cat Registry) are registered.
- The short paws inherited from the munchkins and sensitive skin are a rather troublesome heritage that requires a special approach to the design of the pet’s play and living space.
- Despite the childish appearance, they eat cats in an adult way and with a margin, which is fraught with overeating and gaining excess weight.
- The closest relatives of the Bambino are the Minskins, which are complex hybrids of the Canadian Sphynx, Burmese, Munchkin and Devon Rex.
- Bambinos have both short-legged offspring and babies with natural-length limbs. At the same time, representatives of the second group may bring kittens with short legs in the future.
- Munchkin-Sphynx hybrids have several alternative names, including “dwarf cat” and “dwarf cat” (Dwarfcat).
- Bambino has not only a childish appearance, but also habits: the breed retains spontaneity and playfulness until old age.

Bambino is a friendly cat and an inquisitive explorer with the amusing grace of a dachshund. Getting along with this good-natured, sociable “midget” is ridiculously easy, not only for humans, but for almost any representative of the fauna. The only thing that Bambinos are demanding of is comfort and careful care, so get ready to serve a little eared picky. However, Bambinos usually do not remain indebted for satisfying their basic needs, generously paying off the owner with affection, funny games and close emotional interaction.
Video: Bambino
History of the Bambino breed
Bambino is considered to be a young breed, whose phenotype is still in the process of becoming. It is believed that the Osbornes from the USA, who at that time were already the owners of the promoted cattery HolyMoly Cattery, were the first to breed designer cats. In the early 2000s, the couple acquired a short-legged kitten with a congenital genetic mutation that looked so touching and unusual that the Osbornes decided to increase the number of such animals through interbreeding.
The hairless Canadian Sphynx and Munchkin became the parents of the first Bambinos , giving offspring elongated naked bodies and an extremely low fit. Already in 2005, hybrid cats were presented to the public, arousing keen interest in other breeders of experimental purrs. Around the same time, the crossing of “Canadians” with Munchkins was started in Russia – most of the domestic short-legged sphinxes came from the Baby Moon Cattery, owned by Elena and Maria Chernov. Moreover, domestic bambinos were not related to the Osborn cats and were an independent pedigree line with a unique set of genes.
An interesting fact: at first, Bambinos bred in Russia were registered as Minskins, but after the International Cat Association recognized the breed as experimental, its representatives began to be entered in studbooks under the modern name.
Bambino breed standard
Bambino, correct in all respects, is a small cat with the posture and grace of a dachshund, whose weight does not exceed 2-4 kg. The designer breed is also characterized by sexual dimorphism: cats are almost a quarter smaller and lighter than males. The airy gracefulness gene inherent in the Canadian Sphynx did not manifest itself in any way in the Bambino, giving way to a slight clumsiness and amusing cuteness of movements that passed to animals from the Munchkin .
In terms of physique and alien image, the Bambino bears a strong resemblance to their hybrid Minskin relatives. True, if we consider representatives of both breeds more closely, it becomes clear that animals have much less in common than it seems at first glance. In particular, the body of the bambino creates the illusion of complete hairlessness, while the hair on the “carcass” of the minskin forms expressive fur points and is clearly visible. It is not difficult to catch the differences in the shape of the eyes, which in gnome cats have more oval outlines than in their relatives.
The head of a bambino is wedge-shaped, with a smooth contour line and a flat area between the ears. The nose is straight, with a barely noticeable stop. The cheekbones of the animal are rounded and embossed, the subzygomatic region with a pronounced pinch. The muzzle looks compact due to plump vibrissa pads and a well-defined jawline.
Bambino Ears
The ear cloth is large, leaf-shaped, wide at the base. Inside the ears of the bambino are hairless and smooth, but the contour of the organ and its outer part are covered with a light flock. Standard requirement: the distance between the ears should not be wider than the base of one of them. In addition, it is important that the ear cloth is slightly turned to the sides.
A real bambino must have wide and slightly obliquely spaced eyes, the distance between which does not exceed the size of one eye. At the same time, the cut of the eyelids of a cat resembles a lemon fruit in outline. The color of the iris is uniform, corresponding to the shade of the coat, without inclusions.
The body of gnome cats has a slightly elongated shape and is distinguished by moderately heavy bones. In general, representatives of the breed can boast of a pleasant textured silhouette: muscular, with a broad chest, strong shoulders and rounded bellies, they could look like munchkins , if they suddenly decided to throw off their fluffy “clothes”.
Bambino has a strong, muscular neck of medium length. This part of the body looks especially massive in adult males, who manage to build up good muscle mass in a short time.
Bambino’s short strong legs have characteristic folds and thickenings, while the hind limbs look slightly shorter than the front ones. Elbows of hybrid cats are tightly pressed to the sides and elegantly wrap around the chest. The hind legs are even, with harmoniously developed and equally long femurs and tibiae. Very expressive in the breed and paws, ending in long flexible fingers. Bambino’s paws look straight ahead and have protruding dense pads that seem to slightly lift the animal.
The bambino has a flexible tail, thickened at the base and rounded at the tip.
Leather, wool, vibrissae
All representatives of the breed are distinguished by thick skin with a good supply of subcutaneous fat and large folds. Most of the “wrinkles” occur on the muzzle, neck, area between the ears, forelimbs and shoulder area. As for the coat, it can either be absent (gummy type) or present to a small extent. Usually, light, blond hairs grow on the tail, outside of the ears, bridge of the nose, and legs. Some individuals have velor hair all over the body (no more than 2 mm in length). When you touch the body of an animal, you get the feeling that you are stroking a peach peel or a velvet patch. Bambino vibrissae either do not grow at all, or have a twisted, broken “design”.
Bambino Color
Bambino can be dyed in any shades, except for those implying a zonal distribution of the pigment along the length of the hair.
Faults and disqualifying vices
Despite the fact that short legs are a defining breed trait, excessively miniature limbs in gnome cats are considered a defect. Breeding specialists do not welcome such features of development as excessive hair, weak muscles, general slender build and fragility of the skeleton. The elegance of the silhouette inherent in sphinxes , as well as its excessive compactness, should not appear in the breed either. Show disqualification is usually given to Bambinos with wrinkled tails and marked weakness in the back of the body.
Bambino character
The Bambinos are the Peter Pans of the feline world, unwilling to grow up and retaining their childish naivete and curiosity into old age. When acquiring such a pet, it is important to understand that it will not work as a decorative decoration for the living room. Bambino is not “a cat that walks by itself.” Most often, the owners of short-legged purrs note their phenomenal playfulness and desire to be aware of any domestic issues, so get ready for the fact that the animal in the apartment will be your second shadow.
The hunting instincts of Bambino are completely devoid of, which allows them to get along excellently with domestic rodents and even dogs. However, they cannot be called lazy. Of course, not a single cat will refuse to soak up the owner’s lap, but during periods of wakefulness, these comrades use their internal battery to the maximum. Sociability and peacefulness are character traits that every descendant of the sphinx and munchkin must possess . As an example, a true bambino is not afraid of strangers entering the house and does not shake in horror if a mischievous party with a crowd of invitees is planned. Moreover, the cat will willingly climb into the arms of anyone who expresses a desire to babysit him.
Bambino has a relatively stable psyche, which is a serious achievement for such a young breed. He is not shy, unforgiving and quickly gets used to feeling “at ease” anywhere. With representatives of this family, it is easy to travel, move to a new home and radically change the way of life. Any vicissitudes of fate, including a change of owner, are perceived by Bambino without unnecessary tantrums and despondency, if there is at least someone nearby who is ready to pay attention to the animal and a part of himself.
Education and training
Bambinos are moderately playful, but quite manageable if you manage to take care of their upbringing in time. Usually, the first days after the kitten moves to a new home are given for adaptation. During this time, it is forbidden to make any demands on the animal, since a change of residence is the strongest stress that must be waited out. But to put the tray next to the house or bambino bed, on the contrary, it is desirable immediately. Eared “short-legs” are incredibly clean and quickly figure out what this plastic box with lumps of toilet filler is for.
The next stage is accustoming the purr to the feeding regimen and instilling the skills to use the scratching post. Do not forget, no matter how touching a pet a bambino looks, it scratches furniture and swings on curtains with the same zeal as purebred cats. However, there are usually no difficulties with the re-education of the descendants of sphinxes and munchkins . Representatives of this family inherited a good intellect, which helps them quickly grasp new knowledge and apply it in practice. Moreover, in addition to the standard etiquette required for any cat, they are able to act on command. Typically, bambinos perfectly master from 7 to 10 commands, including such options as “Crawl!”, “Bring!”, “To me!”, “Voice!”.
The most suitable age for a full bambino training is 6 months. It is better to engage in training before a meal, in a playful way, and it is strongly not recommended to strain the animal with endless repetitions. Usually one or two five-minute lessons are enough per day for a pet. And of course, do not skimp on goodies, praise and scratching behind the ear – all these hackneyed, at first glance, incentives work for even the most demanding and capricious individuals.
Maintenance and care
For the happy existence of a bambino, you will need all the same things as for any average cat: a house / bed, bowls for food and drink, a harness if you plan to walk outside, a scratching post, hygiene items. But it’s worth buying more toys – in their free time from reclining on the master’s knees, the “gnomocats” like to have fun and play pranks. Do not forget about the anatomical features of the breed: dachshund-like bambino, although they are famous for their briskness and omnipresence, are noticeably inferior to ordinary purrs in terms of jumping ability. Accordingly, if you bought a high game complex for your pet, do not be too lazy to provide it with small ladders so that it would be more convenient for the bambino to conquer the peaks.
Since hybrid cats are hairless or have an airy flock coating, the owner will have to take care of the optimal temperature in the apartment. In everyday life, “short-legs” freeze already at +20 ° C, so they always look for a warmer place, preferring to relax on window sills and near heaters. Often irrepressible craving for heat leads to sad consequences. For example, cats that take long ultraviolet baths get burned, and those who like to lie near heaters get thermal body burns. To prevent such troubles from happening, in the cold season it is better to wrap the bambino in a knitted sweater or overalls. Time for walks in the fresh air is also worth choosing correctly. Taking a bambino out in rainy or windy weather is a sure chance to catch a cold, not to mention the hot summer days,
Bambino Hygiene
Bambinos are tolerant of bathing and are even able to love them if the owner is not too lazy to accustom the pet to water procedures. Dwarf cats are washed every two weeks. This frequency of bathing days is due to the peculiarities of the skin of animals, which releases an excess amount of sebum and strong-smelling enzymes. For example, bambino bodies that are not bathed for a long time become unpleasantly sticky and become a source of allergens (the Fel d1 protein contained in cat saliva remains on the body when licked).
Going to the other extreme and driving the cat into the bath every other day is also wrong. From hard water and detergents, the sensitive skin of a bambino begins to become inflamed and flaky. Ultimately, the animal loses not only its external gloss, but also its health, and the owner has to spend money on visits to the veterinarian and treatment of the pet.
They wash hybrid cats with a mild moisturizing shampoo, after which the body is thoroughly blotted with a towel – remember that Bambinos are sensitive to heat and get sick from the slightest draft. If the skin looks too dry, it is useful to lubricate it with a nourishing cream – any “children’s” version of domestic production will do. From time to time, bathing is recommended to be replaced by alternative skin cleansing with hygienic lotions or shampoo towels, which are wipes impregnated with a hypoallergenic cleaning compound.
After bathing, the bambino is supposed to clean the ears with a cotton swab dipped in warm water and in the same way remove the fatty deposits that accumulate between the fingers. Cat’s claws need to be trimmed as they grow.
Like all hairless cats, Bambinos have a fast metabolism. Outwardly, this is expressed in the fact that eared “short-legged” are always happy to throw an additional portion of calories into the body and will never refuse the supplement. As for the choice of industrial feed, it should be a super premium variety of increased nutrition, designed for pets leading a busy sports life. At the same time, it is undesirable to specifically fatten a cat to a “pleasant roundness of forms”. An extra load on the spine and joints of the animal is absolutely useless.
The natural menu of the bambino is no different from the diet of all other breeds: lean beef and poultry, ocean fish fillets, some vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, cabbage), a little less often – buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. Milk is not absorbed by the digestive system of adult cats, so it is better to replace it with skimmed sour milk. Should not appear in a bowl of bambino: semolina, millet and corn porridge, any sausages and confectionery, river fish, pork and other fatty meats, as well as legumes.
From time to time, bambinos can be pampered with beef liver, but such belly feasts should be held no more than twice a week. In addition, sometimes the breed is drawn to exotic delicacies like pickles or sweets. It is worth treating such desires moderately condescendingly – from a spoonful of ice cream a cat will not fall into a coma if you do not lose vigilance and do not allow the pet to wind up gastronomic delights to the fullest.
The traditional feeding schedule for an adult bambino is twice a day. Small snacks between meals are not forbidden if they are really small. Kittens under the age of 4 months are fed four times a day. At the 5th month of life, babies are transferred to three meals a day, which continues until the pets are 8 months old.
Health and disease of the bambino
It is believed that Bambino live up to 12 years, but this is an approximate figure, because due to the comparative youth of the breed, there are not many verified statistics. Approximately the same can be said about the genetic diseases of gnome cats: so far, breeders have noted only problems in Bambino that are characteristic of sphinxes and munchkins . In particular, members of the family are sometimes diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, which they inherited from a Canadian ancestor.
Individuals from American lines in the early years of breeding were noted for weak immunity, which is why the Osborne couple recommended breeders to keep their pets away from street cats. In addition, the breeders had to constantly fight against colds, which the animals managed to catch without leaving the nursery. Over time, both problems were partially eliminated, but to this day, many cat vaccinations, as well as synthesized anthelmintics, are contraindicated for Bambino.
How to choose a kitten
Breeding bambino is a troublesome business, because it is not always possible to get the desired result. Like all cats that were born as a result of interbreeding, representatives of this clan are divided into hybrids F1, F2 and further up to the fourth generation. The offspring of F1 may have a full short coat, but this is not considered a defect, since this fact does not affect further breeding. Moreover, first-generation Bambinos are full-fledged carriers of the hairless gene, which their descendants inherit.
Unbelievable, but true: getting kittens with an exotic appearance from two bambino is much more difficult than from mating a Canadian Sphynx and a Munchkin . Usually a quarter of the embryos die in the womb, so the litters of gnome cats are small. In addition, Bambino couples often give birth to kittens with normal leg length, which are suitable for procreation, but are not quoted by buyers who are eager to acquire an image pet.
Memo for the future owner of a bambino

- All bambino kittens offered for free sale are pets, so if you are not a specialist breeder, give up the dream of acquiring an animal for breeding.
- Do not look for purebred kittens on virtual bulletin boards. In most of these places, under the guise of a bambino, they sell a plembrace or a cross between a sphinx and unknown cats.
- The ideal way to get a kitten is a monobreed cattery, whose owners have been working with “gnomo cats” for more than five years. There are still few of them in Russia, so the majority of breeders practice the simultaneous breeding of several breeds, including Canadian Sphynxes , Munchkins and Bambinos.
- Before buying, it is advisable to visit the cattery several times and communicate closely with the kittens. This is especially recommended for people with sensitive immunity – Bambino is not hypoallergenic, as they like to say about them. Moreover, after licking, the same amount of Fel d1 protein remains on the skin of hybrids as on the body of ordinary cats.
- Feel the kittens’ tails. The presence of knots and creases is a disqualifying defect and a reason to seriously bargain with the seller.
- Find out what vaccinations bambino received in the kennel. Remember that extra vaccinations, except for those given to kittens in the first months of life, are only harmful to the breed.
Bambino price
Bambino from Russian lines, grown in a nursery, will cost an average of 50,000 – 60,000 rubles. Especially successful babies with unusual colors in terms of exterior are sold for 80,000 – 90,000 rubles. A separate price category is made up of breeding individuals, the cost of which reaches several hundred thousand rubles, and this despite the fact that it will take a long time to negotiate with the breeder about the purchase of an animal producer.