Bacopa “Broad-leaved”
Bacopa Monnieri “Broad-leaved”, scientific name Bacopa monnieri
Outwardly, it resembles Indian Rotala (Rotala indica),
Bacopa Monnieri “Broad-leaved” is not whimsical and perfectly adapts to various conditions. It is able to grow not only in aquariums, including in brackish water, but also in the humid environment of the paludarium and open water bodies in the warm season, for example, ponds. It is recommended to provide a sufficient level of lighting, otherwise the lower leaves are likely to rot. In addition, with a lack of light, the stem will begin to stretch unnecessarily and it will seem that the leaves are too far apart. The presence of a nutrient substrate is not critical, external manifestations of a lack of nutrients are invisible. Reproduction occurs with the help of lateral shoots, of which many form in a favorable environment. Sprouts grow close to the mother plant and eventually form dense thickets. You can also cut off the top of the stem and plant it in the ground, it will soon give roots and become an independent plant.