Avitaminosis in parrots
Avitaminosis is a provocateur of a wide range of diseases and, in advanced cases, even leads to death. Why does it occur, how does it manifest itself and how does it affect the body? Let’s talk about this in our article.
What is called avitaminosis? Avitaminosis is a disease that occurs due to a prolonged lack of one or more vitamins in the body. Avitaminosis provokes the development of a number of other diseases and in some severe cases causes death.
The main cause of vitamin deficiency is a poor diet that is not able to satisfy the body’s daily need for nutrients. Another reason is the inclusion of low-quality, expired food in the diet. Poor quality food loses its beneficial properties and also does not meet the requirements of proper feeding. And the third, rarer reason is the unfavorable conditions for keeping the bird, for example, the lack of light in the room.
As practice shows, with proper feeding, the risk of beriberi is practically reduced to zero. Thus, the main preventive measure against this disease is a high-quality balanced diet, i.e. natural sources of vitamins. As well as liquid feed supplements with vitamins (for example, Fiory Extra Vigor), which are recommended to be added to the diet during a period when the body is weakened: in the winter months, during stress, during the feeding of chicks, etc. It is thanks to a clear balance of useful elements that these days so popular ready-made high-quality mixtures and feed additives. They supply the body with all the substances necessary for proper development and serve as the most reliable basis for a healthy and long life. Special vitamins and minerals with proper nutrition are not required for the bird.
If vitamin deficiency is diagnosed in the early stages, it is not difficult to eliminate it. The process of recovery of the body takes only a few days, and with a balanced feeding in the future, the bird quickly becomes strong and active.
Common signs of beriberi are lethargy, loss of appetite, weakened immune system, unhealthy appearance, and fear of light. The manifestation of more specific signs depends on which particular vitamin is lacking in the body. Let’s consider them.
Vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A deficiency is indicated by skin problems, inflamed, watery eyes. In advanced cases, a light plaque forms on the cornea. Other symptoms are slow physical development of chicks and slow wound healing.
Lack of vitamin B. Leads to a decrease in appetite, weakened immunity, limited mobility, impaired coordination of movements, convulsions.
Lack of vitamin C. A lack of vitamin C in the body of a bird is extremely rare, since it can be provoked by the almost complete absence of fruits and green plant foods in the diet. As a rule, it affects the condition of the mucous membrane, which becomes vulnerable to various infectious diseases.
Lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D is responsible for the health of the skeleton and the harmonious development of the chicks. This vitamin must be strictly balanced with calcium and phosphorus, and an imbalance or lack of it provokes deviations in the formation of the skeleton and the physiological development of birds in general.
Lack of vitamin E. It negatively affects the formation of muscle tissue, leads to weakened immunity and significantly reduces fertility.
Lack of vitamin K. Worsens blood clotting. In this case, it is difficult to stop the bleeding even with minor cuts.
If you suspect vitamin deficiency in your pet, in no case do not purchase vitamins on your own. Do not forget that imbalance and excess of vitamins are just as dangerous as their deficiency. Only a veterinarian should be involved in diagnosing beriberi and prescribing treatment.
Do not risk the health of your wards!