Anubias Glabra
Anubias Bartera Glabra, scientific name Anubias barteri var. Glabra. Widely distributed in tropical West Africa (Guinea, Gabon). It grows along the banks of rivers and forest streams, attaching itself to snags or stones, rocks. Often found in nature with other aquarium plants such as Bolbitis Gedeloti and Krinum floating.
There are several varieties of this species, varying in size and leaf shape from lanceolate to elliptical, so it is often sold under different trade names. For example, those imported from Cameroon are labeled Anubias minima. The name Anubias lanceolate (Anubias lanceolata), which has elongated large leaves, is also used as a synonym.
Anubias Bartera Glabra is considered a hardy and hardy plant when properly rooted. Able to grow both completely and partially submerged in water. The roots of this plant should not be covered with soil. The best planting option is to place on