Aquarium Fish Species


Fish of the Anostomus family (Anostomidae) inhabit the upper reaches of most of the largest river systems in South America. They are found in the main channels of rivers in regions with a moderate and sometimes rapid flow. There are several hundred species, however, only a few of them are known in aquarism. Representatives of this family are distinguished by the relatively large size of adults (about 30 cm in length) and complex behavior, which directly depends on the size of the group.

Successful keeping is possible only in spacious aquariums equipped with all the necessary equipment for cleaning and monitoring water quality. It is important to provide a high level of dissolved oxygen due to additional aeration, which is actively spent on the oxidation of organic waste (food residues, excrement etc.), in large quantities produced by such large fish. It is unlikely that it will be possible to manually maintain high water quality in significant volumes, so the correct selection and configuration of equipment is of key importance.

It is worth remembering that Anostomuses are prone to jumping out of the water, for this reason aquariums should be closed from above with special structures (lids).

Considering the potential difficulties in keeping, associated with significant financial costs, as well as the problems of finding compatible species, makes these fish not the best choice for a beginner aquarist.

Anostomus vulgaris

Common anostomus, scientific name Anostomus anostomus, belongs to the family Anostomidae

Anostomus Ternetsa

Anostomus Ternetza, scientific name Anostomus ternetzi, belongs to the family Anostomidae

Lemolita striped

Lemolita striped, scientific name Laemolyta taeniata, belongs to the family Anostomidae

Leporina vittatis

Leporine vittatis, scientific name Leporellus vittatus, belongs to the family Anostomidae

Leporinus arcus

Leporinus Arcus or Red-lipped Leporin, scientific name Leporinus arcus, belongs to the family Anostomidae

Leporinus striped

Leporinus striped, scientific name Leporinus fasciatus, belongs to the family Anostomidae

schizodon striped

Striped schizodon, scientific name Schizodon fasciatus, belongs to the family Anostomidae (Anostomidae)

Leporinus venezuelans

Venezuelan leporinus or Leporinus steyermarki, scientific name Leporinus steyermarki, belongs to the family Anostomidae (Anostomidae)

Leporinus Pellegrina

Leporinus Pellegrina, scientific name Leporinus pellegrinii, belongs to the family Anostomidae (Anostomidae)

Leporinus striatus

Leporinus four-line or Leporinus striatus, scientific name Leporinus striatus, belongs to the family Anostomidae (Anostomidae)

Pseudanos three-pointed

Pseudanos three-spotted, scientific name Pseudanos trimaculatus, belongs to the family Anostomidae (Anostomidae)

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