Amano cot
The Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata) belongs to the Atyidae family. Perhaps the most famous thanks to the outstanding Japanese specialist in the field of professional decorative aquarium Takashi Amano. They do not differ in bright colors, but they have another advantage. Takashi uses them in his works, and his aquariums cannot be called otherwise, as an effective tool for fighting algae, it is extremely difficult for other species to compare with them.
Caridina multidentata
Shrimp Caridina multidentata, belongs to the family Atyidae
However, they should not be used as a panacea for all algae problems. In a small home aquarium, Amano shrimp will quickly eat all available food and, if there is a lack of food, can switch to ornamental plants with delicate leaves, so they can only be successfully kept in large aquariums with dense vegetation, where there will be no shortage of algae.
Breeding is problematic and only professional breeders can do it. On various forums and specialized sites, there are dubious reports of successful breeding at home, but you should not trust them.
General hardness – 1–10°dGH
Value pH — 6.0–7.4
Temperature — 25–29°С