“Altai Tale” by Tatyana Timakova
Probably, the more complex the idea and the path to its implementation, the more interesting and exciting the result … This is how the Altai Fairy Tale was born at our workshop with Alesya. This story is about how once a little girl was kidnapped in a noble Altai family. For many years, her mother was looking for her, but to no avail. Stretching her hands to the sky, she prayed to the gods for only one thing: to let them know that her girl is alive!!!
And then one day she met a baby, exhausted by hunger, cold and long wanderings. A faithful dog and a proud camel accompanied the girl in the vast expanses of Altai, protecting her from dangers and warming her with their warmth in the bitter cold … The mother’s heart sank with pity for the baby, she hurried to help the girl. And suddenly, under the rags, she saw an ornament – it was exactly what her daughter had on the day of her disappearance … This is how mother and daughter met, never to part again, this is how the mother’s heart found peace, this is how the girl returned to her house and for the first time fell asleep peacefully and with a smile on her lips …