All About Catnip: Why Do Cats Go Crazy About It?
Care and Maintenance

All About Catnip: Why Do Cats Go Crazy About It?

All About Catnip: Why Do Cats Go Crazy About It?

What is catnip?

Catnip, or catnip, is a perennial herb. Its leaves are shaped like inverted hearts, and the flowers are painted lilac. Kotovnik is widespread in our country, because it does not require any special climatic conditions.

Catnip has a lemony smell, which is what has such a strange effect on cats and cats.

All About Catnip: Why Do Cats Go Crazy About It?

How does it work?

Thanks to the nepetalactone contained in this plant, the neurons of the cat’s brain are affected, which changes the behavior of the pet. The cat smells the smell of mint, gets excited and begins to behave strangely rubs against the source of the smell, tries to eat it, jumps, etc. This euphoria lasts about ten minutes. Then the pet returns to normal as if nothing had happened.

Does catnip only work on cats?

Yes, but not at all. Some cats, due to their genetic characteristics, are not affected by this plant. In addition, often it does not work on kittens.

Is it safe for cats?

Yes, catnip is harmless. This is a “legal drug” for cats, from which there is no addiction or overdose. But it’s still not worth overdoing. Firstly, a cat can get used to mint, and then it will no longer cause her such a violent reaction. Secondly, such emotional outbursts can adversely affect the pet’s nervous system.

Therefore, mint should be used only from time to time.

Why do you need catnip at all?

In fact, animal psychologists advise using it as a stress reliever for cats. for example, when moving.

It also helps to accustom a cat to a tray, scratching post, couch or house.

In what form can you buy catnip?

It is usually sold in pet stores dried or as a spray. Also, this plant is sometimes used in treats, stuffing for toys or scratching posts. You can also buy catnip seeds and grow them at home.

August 31 2020

Updated: August 31, 2020

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