Aldrovand bubble
Aldrovanda vesiculosa, scientific name Aldrovanda vesiculosa. It belongs to representatives of carnivorous carnivorous plants, among which the sundew and Venus flytrap are the most famous. This type of plant lives in a very nutrient-poor environment, so evolutionarily they have developed a unique way for the plant world to replenish the missing trace elements – hunting for insects.
Aldrovanda vesicularis distributed mainly in subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australia, sometimes found in temperate climates, for example, in Europe. In the latter case, the plant hibernates during the cold months.
On a long stem, 5–9 modified leaflets with several long setae are arranged in tiers. The leaflets have a structure in the form of two valves, like that of a Venus flytrap, when plankton, for example, daphnia, swims between them, the valves close, capturing the victim.
It is rarely used in aquariums, although it does not pose a danger to fish, except for fry. Completely aquatic plant, floats on the surface, forming clusters. It is considered unpretentious and hardy plant. Able to grow in various hydrochemical conditions and in a wide range of temperatures. Lighting also does not matter much, but you should not keep it in the shade.