Akita Inu
- Characteristics of Akita Inu
- History of the breed
- Description of the Akita Inu breed
- Akita inu character
- Training and education of the breed
- Maintenance and care
- What and how to feed?
- Health and disease of the Akita Inu
- Photo of adult Akita Inu dogs
- Who is this breed for?
- Famous owners
- Tips for choosing a puppy
- Photo of Akita Inu puppies
- Akita Inu cost
- Akita Inu – Video
Characteristics of Akita Inu
Country of origin | Japan |
The size | large |
Growth | from 64 to 75 cm |
Weight | 36–50 kg |
Age | 8–10 years |
FCI breed group | Spitz and primitive breeds |
Brief information
- One of the key virtues of this breed is loyalty. The legendary representative of the breed was the same dog Hachiko, who for several years after the death of the owner was waiting for his return;
- Akita Inu have a lively character, active and energetic;
- It is believed that these dogs rarely bark, preferring to make the whole gamut of sounds: from snorting to growling and grunting.
History of the breed
Akita Inu is a breed that originated in Japan, on the island of Honshu. In her homeland, she became a real legend and is known to every local resident. Some mistakenly believe that the Japanese Akita and the American are the same breed of dog, but this is not the case. The Akita Inu, or the Japanese Akita dog, originated in the north of the country. It happened in the province of Akita, which is why the breed got its name. Historians cannot say exactly when these animals appeared. But everything suggests that the breed was formed by the 17th century, as evidenced by various records and drawings. In those days, dogs were used as bodyguards for the emperor and his family.

Akita Inu was taken with them for hunting. The dogs did an excellent job of this task, bringing both small and large game. There is information that they could even cope with a bear. This accurately characterizes the character of the Akita Inu. On the one hand, these are kind and cheerful dogs, and on the other hand, they are distinguished by their fearless disposition and strength. Kindness flows in the blood of this breed. At the London Zoo, one of the dogs even became a “nanny” for a baby tiger, which brought tenderness to all the staff.
Akita Inu came to the USA with a famous woman at that time – the writer Hellen Keller. She was blind and deaf. The woman learned the story of a dog named Hachiko, visited his monument and decided to take one of the representatives of this breed with her to her homeland. They named the dog Kamikaze-go.
After the war, many servicemen began to bring these wonderful dogs with them to America. Thanks to this, a separate breed of dog appeared – the American Akita. Disputes over the difference between these dogs and Akita Inu are between breeders to this day. In Japan, the Kennel Association does not recognize the American Akita as a separate breed.
Description of the Akita Inu breed
Akita Inu is a large spitz-like dog. An adult female of this breed can weigh from 32 to 45 kilograms, and a male – from 40 to 45. The height at the withers for females is from 58 to 64 centimeters, for males – from 64 to 70. The muscles of dogs are quite developed, the animal requires constant exercise and training .
Head . The forehead is wide, powerful. Cheeks are wide and flat. Insufficiently wide cheeks indicate a poorly developed neck. On them go weakly expressed furrows. The stop line is arched and well visible. A convex forehead with deep wrinkles is considered a marriage.
Muzzle . Correctly shaped, without skin folds. Broad and elongated, gradually tapering towards the nose.

Ears . Small size, triangular shape. They lean forward. They are tense. Too big ears, as well as the presence of folds, roundings, bends on them, is considered a defect. The base is wide, placed on the skull at an average distance from each other.
Nose . The lobe is quite large, black. In males that are white or light colored, a pink or brown nose is allowed.
Fall . It has a specific structure, due to which it seems that the dog is constantly smiling.
Teeth . White and strong. The bite is scissor-shaped.
Lips . The lips fit well to the teeth, have dark pigmentation.

Eyes . They have a triangular shape. The outer corner is slightly raised. The color of the iris is brown, with a reddish tinge.
Neck . Powerful and wide, quite massive. It is folded firmly, has developed muscles. Should not be too elongated with skin hanging on it.
Corps . The back is straight, the thighs are well muscled. A raised or concave back is a fault. The hips run in a straight line towards the tail.
Chest . Deep, wide and developed. The depth should not be less than half the height of the dog at the withers. Ribs are strong. The chest should be egg-shaped in section. Barrel chest is considered a fault.
Tail. Strong and thick, twisted into a curl, covered with dense wool. It can be twisted both to the right and to the left. There is a “tambourine” twist, when the tail is twisted several times, this is considered undesirable. A hanging tail is a disqualification.

Front . The bones of the shoulder blades are inclined, well developed. The tilt angle is from 110 to 120 degrees. Shoulders and elbows close to the chest. If you look at the dog from the front, then the line of the forearm should be straight. The paw print should have a round shape with a bulge. There are no gaps between the fingers.
Rear . Powerful, with strong hocks set at an angle of 150 to 155 degrees. Standing straight, hip-width apart, when looking at the dog from behind.

Akita Inu has coarse and straight outer hair, as well as a thick and densely stuffed undercoat. On the shoulder blades and in the area of “pants” in dogs, the hair is slightly longer, and the longest is on the tail.
According to the breed standard, the coat should consist of three layers. The long guard hair makes up the top layer. Then comes the same hard, but less short. The third layer is a weightless and soft undercoat. Wool is very important for this breed, as it greatly affects the appearance of the animal. There are dogs with short or longer hair. Both of these options are valid and do not deviate from the standard.

The long-haired Akita Inu is a dog that differs from other representatives of this breed in its longer hairline. This feature is clearly visible and expressed on the ears, tail, back side of the paws. There are feathers on the body.
It is noteworthy that the gene for long hair is recessive. A puppy with this hairline can appear if both or one of the parents are its carrier. Other characteristics of long-haired Akita Inu are no different from their short-haired “brothers”. But some breeders claim that long-haired dogs have larger and more massive bones. It is believed that the Akita Inu inherited the gene for long hair from a breed called Karafuto-Ken or Sakhalin Husky.
They cannot come to a consensus on the acceptable colors of the Akita Inu in the cynological community. But the World Canine Organization has only accepted four:
- White color. On the territory of the Russian Federation, such dogs are still rare. They are very popular in Japan. The white color is considered the “youngest”, because it was bred only at the beginning of the twentieth century. On the dog’s body, no spots, marks, “plaque” are allowed. But the “mantle” of a blue or silver hue, on the contrary, is highly valued. It is wrong to consider white Akita Inu albinos. Their eyes and nose are black, as are their lips. Dogs of this color are prone to allergies, they require special nutrition so that yellowish spots do not appear on the ears and muzzle.
- Black color. It is very difficult to meet a pure black Akita Inu. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that the dog has barely noticeable stripes of a lighter shade. Black color is acceptable not by all standards.
- Tiger color. Such wool in Russia is also a curiosity. Color can be blue, white, black, red. Stripes are located throughout the body, except for the head. The brindle color is so unique that there are no two identical dogs with such coat in the world.
- Red color. It is also called red. The most common and familiar. Allowed shades from yellow to deep red. The dog must have white markings on the cheeks, chest, abdomen and inside of the limbs. A darker color on the muzzle is unacceptable and is considered a marriage. The exception is the American Akita. Red-colored puppies are born gray or black, a permanent shade of wool appears after the first molt. The famous dog Hachiko was just a red color.

Akita inu character
Akita Inu are ideal contenders for the role of a companion, and they are suitable not only for families with children, but also for single people. However, representatives of the breed are very active, and this can disappoint people who dream of a calm pet.
The Akita Inu is one of the most ancient breeds in the world. It is believed that these dogs are the embodiment of the spirit of Japan. According to some reports, the first mention of animals similar to Akita dates back to the second millennium BC.

Dogs of this breed are smart, curious and very stubborn. They need training and constant contact with a person, starting from childhood. However, the Akita Inu is difficult to train, it is not the kind of dog that will immediately bring the ball and run after toys for the pleasure of the owner. It is for this reason that experts do not recommend starting an Akita for novice dog breeders.
Representatives of the Japanese breed are independent and capricious, they have leadership qualities and demand respect for themselves. Persistence, respect and perseverance are the main components of success in raising an Akita.
In relations with people, the Akita Inu is a full member of the family who loves children and happily supports their games. However, these dogs do not always get along well with animals – they need early socialization .

Training and education of the breed
Most dog handlers agree that the Akita Inu is not an easy dog to train. Therefore, inexperienced owners in this field may have problems.
This is due to the special character that has been laid in the breed for centuries. These dogs are stubborn, independent, willful, proud and want to be leaders. Such qualities are not reflected in the best way in the process of education. But, besides this, these dogs are distinguished by high intelligence. And this means that with the right approach, you can achieve tremendous results in training. But you need to remember that a dog with high intelligence will not only quickly remember commands, but will not repeat them for no apparent reason. Therefore, you must find an “approach” to your pet and establish a trusting relationship with him so that he obeys you in any situation.
If you have adopted a puppy, then spend the first few days getting to know him better. You will immediately see the distinctive character traits of your pet. This will help you choose the right approach to the animal and simplify training in the future. Then the dog needs to be socialized. And the sooner you do it, the better. If you have children in your family, then explain to them the rules of behavior with an animal. Akita Inu is great with kids, can become their friend or nanny.
Then start introducing your puppy to the outdoors. Start with short walks close to home. At the same time, getting used to the leash takes place. A dog must learn to communicate with other animals from an early age, as a poorly socialized dog will definitely show aggression towards them. This is especially true for males.
To the toilet can be accustomed to the diaper, while the puppy is still too small. If you live in a private house or are ready for the first time to go out with a dog five to ten times a day from the apartment, then you can immediately try to teach it to the toilet on the street. Do not scold a small puppy if he “did not have time” and made a puddle on the floor. This is a lot of stress for the dog. Over time, the dog will get used to walking twice a day and these puddles will become a thing of the past.

Photo training akitu inu
Since the Akita Inu is distinguished by high intelligence, it is not worth postponing dog training. As soon as the puppy appears on your territory, he will try to become a leader and “leader”. It is important not to miss this moment, since it will be extremely difficult to correct such a situation later. Raise your baby from the first days, and you can start training as early as three months.
If we compare the Akita with other breeds of dogs, such as the Labrador or Shepherd, the former requires much more attention, perseverance and time in training. Be patient, the stubborn Akita will test your nerves regularly. The training methodology should be based solely on affection and praise. Yelling at the dog is not allowed, it can provoke aggression, cowardice or complete disobedience in the future. Beating a dog is strictly prohibited, as well as applying any other corporal punishment to it. A proud Akita Inu will never forget or forgive you for treating her like this.
For encouragement in the process of training, you can use your favorite treats of your four-legged friend. This will not only reinforce the command, but will also encourage the pet to perform it again.
At a “young” age, when you have not yet begun serious training, you can teach your dog the following basic skills:
- pee on a diaper;
- do not bite, even during the game;
- walk in a collar and on a leash;
- do not ask for food at the table and do not pick it up from the floor;
- do not jump on you and others;
- stop barking on demand;
- come at the call of the owner.
When the dog reaches the age of four months, you can begin to teach him basic commands. Start with simple ” Sit !”, ” Give me your paw !”, ” Voice! ”,“ You can’t ! ”,“ Come to me ! ”. When the Akita Inu masters them, then you can teach your pet more complex commands, as well as tricks.
If you feel that you are not coping with training, then the best option would be professional help from a dog handler. With this breed of dog, it will not be superfluous to take a general training course, where a specialist will point out the “problem” places of your pet.

Maintenance and care
Akita Inu has a fairly thick coat and a dense undercoat, and therefore the dog must be combed weeklyusing special brushes. During the shedding period, this should be done every day.
A thick undercoat can cause a lot of trouble for those who were not ready for such an active shedding of a dog. Even constant combing does not always save from wool, which will settle everywhere. If you want to speed up the process of shedding the undercoat, you can turn to a groomer. In salons, there is such a procedure as express molting. She is absolutely safe. The dog will simply be “helped” to shed faster at a professional level, and your apartment or house will remain clean.

Representatives of this breed are rarely bathed – no more than 3 times a year, while always using special products for dogs.
It is often impossible to wash the Akita Inu, as their natural protective lubricant is washed off the wool. But you can wash the dog, wiping his face with a damp cloth, several times a week to make him look clean and tidy. The ears are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a special lotion. Nails should be trimmed at least once every two months. Your teeth also need to be taken care of. Plaque is removed from them with a special brush and paste, which can be purchased at a veterinary clinic or pet store.
To all these procedures, the dog must be taught from puppyhood. Otherwise, you will face problems in the future. This breed has a rather powerful physique, so you are unlikely to be able to forcibly keep it for hygiene procedures.
Akita Inu is an excellent city dweller who adapts to the apartment without any problems. At the same time, representatives of the breed also feel great outside the city if the owners live in a private house. But we must understand that Akita Inu cannot live on a leash, apart from a person, her place is in the house.
The nutrition of representatives of this breed should consist of high quality food that contains a large amount of nutrients and nutrients, since the Akita is a fairly large and energetic dog. In addition, she needs daily activity. At a minimum, the owner needs to walk the pet two to three times a day for an hour.

What and how to feed?
The best choice for an Akita Inu is a high quality industrial food. In them, manufacturers add all the vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements necessary for dogs. Therefore, buying food from a trusted manufacturer, you can not spend money on additional supplements for your pet.
But every owner must remember that the selection of food can take a lot of time. You may be lucky, and the first attempt will immediately be successful. But it can also happen that the food will need to be changed more than once. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the dog, its reaction to the composition, as well as taste preferences. In addition, the Akita Inu is one of those dogs that can “turn up their noses” at the contents of the plate if they don’t like it. You must understand exactly when the dog is just being naughty, and when it has health problems.

To choose the right food, follow these tips:
- Don’t buy economy class food. Most likely, such a gourmet as Akita Inu will simply refuse them. For Akitas, super-premium food is suitable.
- Choose a diet that is free of soy protein. Excessive consumption of it leads to a deterioration in the health and appearance of Asian dogs.
- Avoid foods containing grains such as corn and wheat. They do not have the best effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the Akita Inu. The composition of the pellets should be lean meat, fish, rice.
- Pay attention to the balance of BJU. Manufacturers indicate it on the pack. This is very important, especially for puppies. Toddlers, for example, need to get at least 25% of protein from the total daily diet, and the level of fat should be below 18%.
- Give preference to specialized lines of food for Akita Inu, abandoning the universal options. Nutrition should be appropriate for the age and health of the dog.
- If necessary, consult your veterinarian. He will help you find food.
It is better for pregnant and lactating bitches to choose a more high-calorie diet, additionally enriched with vitamins and calcium.

Health and disease of the Akita Inu
The Akita Inu breed can “boast” of quite good health, which nature itself has awarded dogs. But they also have those diseases to which dogs are more susceptible than others. These include:
- hip dysplasia;
- allergies;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including volvulus of the stomach;
- eye diseases;
- thyroid problems.
The owner must remember that the Akita Inu, like other breeds of dogs, needs timely vaccinations. Vaccinations will protect the animal from many deadly diseases. The puppy receives the first vaccine against distemper and enteritis at four weeks. A month later, revaccination is carried out and a vaccine against hepatitis and leptospirosis is added. At twelve weeks, the dog is vaccinated against rabies. Then vaccinations should be repeated once a year.
In the warm season, the dog is treated every month for fleas and ticks. Once a quarter they give tablets against parasites to prevent their appearance.
Photo of adult Akita Inu dogs

Who is this breed for?
As soon as a film about the legendary dog Hachiko, who was just an Akita Inu breed, appeared on the screens, the popularity of these dogs increased dramatically. But not everything that people saw on the screen turned out to be reality. Few people were ready for the “live” Akita and its character traits.
Akita Inu will not “look into your mouth” and catch the mood of the owner. Rather, this dog will prefer that you reckon with its feelings and desires. This independent breed is definitely not suitable for a novice owner. Train her, although interesting, but quite difficult.
If you have a gentle character and you cannot refuse a dog, then it will take over you and be the main one in the family. It is very easy to spoil this breed. As a result, an uncontrollable animal will turn out, which will not be at all to blame for this.

Unfortunately, many owners who did not realize that they would face such difficulties in education abandon their dogs. Therefore, there are more and more thoroughbred and expensive dogs in shelters, to which the owners have not found an approach.
Long walks and exercise are important for the Akita Inu. Therefore, for those who cannot devote time to this, the breed will not work. The dog feels good in the apartment. But you will have to walk with her at least a few hours a day. Otherwise, excess energy will be thrown out on your furniture, shoes and other personal items. A big plus for keeping an Akita Inu in an apartment is that the animal does not bark for no reason. In general, this breed prefers a wide variety of sounds to barking, up to grunting.
Akita Inu does not get along well with other dogs if they did not grow up with her. Dogs of this breed will also be indifferent to small animals and cats. But with children, they always find a common language. Therefore, the Akita Inu is suitable for a family with children. Provided that one of the parents will be engaged in her upbringing.
Famous owners
The most famous dog of the Akita Inu breed is a dog named Hachiko. It belonged to the Japanese professor Eisaburo Ueno. Every day the dog accompanied his master to the station, and then met him when he returned from work. But, unfortunately, the professor became ill at the lecture, and he suddenly died. Hachiko did not wait for his master that day.
But that didn’t stop the dog. Every day at the same time he came to the station, hoping to meet his master. This lasted 11 years, until the death of Hachiko. Many people learned about the unusual dog, they wrote a book about it, made a film and even erected a monument to the animal as a symbol of true loyalty and devotion.
Many domestic and foreign stars have dogs of this beautiful breed at home. For example, Natalia Ionova (singer Glucose) has a dog named Muftik.
Tips for choosing a puppy
To purchase a purebred Akita Inu puppy, it is better to go to a club or to professional breeders. When choosing a baby, pay attention to the fact that he was from a small litter. Be sure to check out the dog’s pedigree. Find out what awards the puppy’s parents have received. Not the best option would be if they are in a close family relationship. Then the puppy can show up a lot of genetic diseases.
Pay attention to whether the puppy eats well. He should be playful, curious and agile. The dog should not be afraid of the outstretched hand. It’s good when a dog comes up with interest and sniffs you.
Photo of Akita Inu puppies

Akita Inu cost
The cost of an Akita Inu puppy will directly depend on his blood and parents:
- Show class. Such elite puppies can cost from three to ten thousand dollars. These are not just healthy dogs with an ideal pedigree, they are future show champions.
- Brid class. These puppies are distinguished by their special fertility, which in the future will bring good capital to the owner. Dogs of this class are acquired in order to breed Akita Inu. They cost from two to four thousand dollars.
- Pet class. These dogs may have minor defects that do not allow them to enter shows. They are not allowed to breed. But they can become great friends and companions. These dogs cost up to a thousand dollars.
Akita Inu – Video