Adaptation of a cat in a new house
Care and Maintenance

Adaptation of a cat in a new house

Adaptation of a cat in a new house

Preparation for the appearance of a cat in the house begins with the purchase of the necessary things for her:

  • Fry food

    It is important to choose food that is familiar to the cat, that is, it must be of the brand that the previous owners fed it. If you are purchasing a purebred kitten, breeders may offer a small amount of food as a gift. Do not forget to specify the serving size and the feeding time of the pet;

  • Tray with filler

    It is also advisable to clarify which filler the previous owners used. However, be prepared for the fact that in a new place the cat may refuse it. Be patient in search of the best option;

  • A cabin or a couch

    To reduce the stress of being in a new place, ask the breeder for a bedding or mat from the cat’s previous habitat. Put it inside a sunbed or a house;

  • Kogtetochka

    Its acquisition is especially important for adult animals. By the way, if desired, this accessory can be made independently;

  • Toys

    It is better that there are many of them and they are different. Read in advance about how to choose the right toys so that they do not harm your pet.



One of the important steps in moving a cat to a new home is transportation. It is not recommended to carry a pet in your arms or in your bosom. The street, an unfamiliar sound or smell – all this can greatly frighten a cat, which will probably try to run away.

It is best to transport in a cat carrier. You can use it in the future if you plan to travel with a pet. Place a familiar object, such as a toy or bedding, in the carrier so that she can smell yourself.

If you live nearby, transport your pet by car or taxi. Public transport can add to the stress of moving.


A cat in a new home is likely to act wary. Some pets immediately climb into a corner or under a sofa, others try to carefully explore the space around them. Any behavior is considered normal, the animal is simply under severe stress. The task of the owner is to help the pet adapt to the new environment as quickly as possible.

  1. Limit your travel space. Choose the room in which the cat will be the first time. Place bowls with water and food, as well as a tray, in advance in this room. Upon arrival home, open the carrier and observe the reaction of the cat. If the animal is clogged and does not want to go out, there is no need to insist. You can try to lure him out with a game, but in no case should you use physical force. It is unlikely that such actions will help to establish contact. As soon as the cat gets used to the room allocated to her, you can proceed to inspect the rest of the apartment.

  2. Keep calm. Any cat owner will tell you that animals feel the emotional mood of the owner. Try to spend more time with your pet, be friendly, do not get annoyed and do not worry if he does not make contact.

    In addition, do not try to immediately introduce a new pet to the household. Postpone this process. Communication with family members, especially children, should take place in a calm environment, when the pet gets used to the new place a little. Noise, shouting and too active actions can frighten the cat.

  3. Getting to know other animals. If the cat is not the first pet in the house and the family already has other pets, they should be introduced gradually. Experts recommend a two-week quarantine. At this time, the animals do not see each other, but get used to the smell of a neighbor. Read in advance How to Introduce Two Cats or How to Introduce a Cat to a Dog.

It has been observed that an adult cat in a new home behaves much more wary than a kitten.

Curious kittens are often ready to conquer the tops of chairs, armchairs and tables already on the third day. The adaptation period of an adult animal can take a whole month. Be that as it may, try to give maximum attention to your pet at this time. Carry a beginner on the weekends so that at least the first days you can always be with him.

February 26 2018

Updated: 19 May 2022

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