About riding during pregnancy. Is it dangerous and what are the risks?

About riding during pregnancy. Is it dangerous and what are the risks?

About riding during pregnancy. Is it dangerous and what are the risks?

Fanny Scully and Steve Gerda.

Some time ago, Fanny Scully – the wife of the strongest show jumper in the world, Steve Gerd – shared on social networks with the good news that she is expecting a baby. Fanny is an athlete, and at the end of September she competed at the international show jumping tournament in Saint-Tropez. So is it dangerous to ride a horse while pregnant, and what are the risks? Equlifestyle.eu journalists asked this question to a gynecologist.

Up to a certain point, it is quite possible to practice horseback riding during pregnancy. But how strong can the load be, will it affect your well-being? This question is worth asking yourself. A naturally growing belly will interfere with you, do not forget about it. If we talk in general about playing sports during pregnancy, then, of course, the more you load yourself, the greater the likelihood of complications. Listen to your body. Skydiving while pregnant is definitely not the best idea, but I wouldn’t ban riding. Ultimately, it all depends on how you feel.

Has there been any research on this topic?

We don’t know much about horseback riding during pregnancy. No studies have been conducted on this topic, but the overall effect of sports on the course of pregnancy has been studied. In any case, you need to listen to your body. But there are no cases when women gave birth prematurely due to horseback riding. There is no direct relationship.

What are the risks?

Falling from a horse or if a horse hits you. This can cause injury to the abdomen with all the ensuing consequences. So the danger is not at all in physical exertion, but in a possible accident. Something similar can happen, for example, during a car accident. When the pregnancy is 20 weeks or more, the risks increase. In addition, women riders say that they have self-doubt. After all, you have an additional responsibility, it is quite natural.

What sports are best to do during pregnancy?

The most rewarding sport is swimming. There is no gravity in water and you can use more muscles. Hiking and cycling are also helpful if your stomach doesn’t bother you. I would not recommend engaging in contact sports, it’s not even about stress, but about the risk of accident and injury.

Source: KWPN.

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