A white peacock appeared in the Moscow Zoo
Exciting news for bird lovers! For the first time in many years, an amazing white peacock has appeared in the Moscow Zoo – and now everyone can see it with their own eyes!
And a new resident settled with blue peacocks in the spacious aviary of the Big Pond. By the way, thanks to the convenient design of the spacious enclosure, it will be possible to see an unusual newcomer from a very close distance!
According to the zoo staff, the white peacock quickly and easily adapted to new conditions and neighbors, he has a great mood and excellent appetite! The newcomer is still very small – he is only 2 years old, but in a year he will have a luxurious, magnificent tail, an incredible feature of these amazing birds.
Whether other white peacocks will appear in the main zoo of the capital is still impossible to say for sure. Zoo experts say that it is not easy to get healthy, beautiful offspring of peacocks, but it is quite possible that our newcomer will give offspring in the future!
For your information: white peacocks are not albinos, as you might mistakenly think, but amazing birds with natural white plumage and beautiful blue eyes, while albino birds have red eyes due to the lack of pigment. White plumage is a color variation of blue Indian peacocks, and these beautiful birds are often found in nature.