9 tips to help you jump like Mikhail Safronov

9 tips to help you jump like Mikhail Safronov

9 tips to help you jump like Mikhail Safronov

Photo: Natalya Alekseeva.

Mikhail Safronov is one of the most titled Russian riders at the moment, a seven-time champion of Russia, MSMK in show jumping, an active athlete and coach. We asked Michael to share a few principles that he adheres to in his daily work.

So, 9 tips from Mikhail Safronov especially for you:

1. Use your time. In training, warming up, and even when you are not on horseback, take your time.

2. Jump training is not a test of your horse’s ability. It is better to jump a bunch lower well than to jump over one high barrier.

3. Warming up before the start is necessary in order to properly prepare the horse’s body for a high load, so you need to use enough time for it – ideally, the warm-up should be the same as at home before jumping training.

4. Plan the route properly (driving rhythm, turns, etc.), concentrate and stick to your plan.

5. Ride without stirrups more often. It helps to strengthen the seat, sit deeper in the saddle and is generally useful.

6. Use poles and short cavaletti in your daily work. When passing them, train rhythm and straightness.

7. Listen to your horse and remember that he, too, should be happy at the end of the training, but better during the entire training.

8. This advice seems simple, but still, always sit in the back, raise your eyes and lower your heel. Remember – more leg and softer reins. ATYou have no idea how many problems this will help to avoid.

9. Love your horse and equestrianism. Celebrate successes and don’t dwell on failures. Analyze and never hesitate to ask more experienced riders, coaches and other experts in our wonderful sport for advice.

9 tips to help you jump like Mikhail Safronov

Photo: Alesya Safe.

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