7 things you should know before getting a puppy
Finally, the time has come and you decide to bring home a dog. Everyone is excited about this new addition to your family, and the kids are especially excited about when they can cuddle their puppy. This cuddly, fluffy ball will change your life in more ways than you can ever imagine. But we must take into account that among all this joy there are moments that encourage a person to comply with certain rules and duties.
Do you have enough space? The size of the house determines the breed of the dog. Large dogs can never fit into a small apartment, so it’s a good idea to have enough living space to keep them.
Electrical cords, chemical cleaners, and poisonous plants will need to be kept out of reach.
Be prepared to brush your pet’s coat regularly, as well as wash its paws after a walk.
Do you have time and energy? Puppies are cute and adorable, but these “babies” require a lot of attention. It takes time to feed them, wash them, clean up after them, train them. If you spend most of your time in the office, if you live alone, you should consider who will take care of your pet while you are away. Lack of attention to pets can make them feel lonely and abandoned.
Not all residential areas allow pets to be allowed, so it is recommended that you make a special request to make sure that you do not have such obstacles. In addition, if the family lives in a rented apartment, you should ask the landlord if he will allow the pet to be kept on his property.
It is necessary to purchase accessories for dogs, which are not always cheap. The list of required accessories includes: bowls, chew toys, leashes, collars, muzzles. Toys are a must for teething puppies, otherwise they will gnaw on shoes, clothes and other items in the house within reach of the animal. For small breeds of dogs, a dog bag is a convenient accessory, it will help during travels where you take your dog with you.
Can you afford keeping a dog? This business is expensive. Food, veterinary bills, vaccinations, sterilization costs, and insurance are just a list of the costs of mandatory activities.
After considering all the pros and cons, do not forget to ask other members of your family, neighbors, if they are ready to share living space with a dog.