6 unusual ways to start driving better
The horse is as balanced and disciplined an athlete as its rider. Anyone who has been riding a horse for a long time knows how to understand his body well. We often come across moments that some people find bizarre, such as: sit deeper, put your heels down, raise your eyes. Unfortunately, muscle memory cannot quickly adapt to change. Dominion Veterinary Labs has listed 6 fun and funny ways to improve your riding skills.
Photo: Dressage Today
1. Stoppers on the rein should be held with your thumbs:
It is important to ride with a soft hand, but you need to hold the reins firmly with your thumbs so that they do not slip. In this case, money helps a lot! Take coins, put them between your index finger and thumb, focus. Do not allow coins to fall. This will teach you how to hold the reins firmly between your thumb and the knuckle of your index finger.
2. Analysis of the reins according to the driving system:
If you have a habit of grabbing the reins for balance, try holding them like you would when driving (pictured). This will quickly soften your wrist and forearm so you can’t hang on to the reins. Eventually, you will get used to working on a soft hand (with supple and light contact) and your horse will thank you for it!
Photo from the original article.
3. Buy a newspaper! It will save you from breeding your elbows to the sides:
When your hands are close to your body, your elbows and wrists are soft and your hands can follow the movement of the horse’s head. If your horse does not want to go into contact, you should pay attention to his elbows. If they stick out like a chicken’s wings, contact is blocked and the horse cannot relax. Folded newspapers placed under your armpits will help to cope with the problem. Your task is not to drop them. This will help develop the habit of keeping your elbows close to your body.
4. Riding with one stirrup:
If your horse’s saddle constantly slides to the same side during training, you may be pushing too hard on the stirrup on that side. Most people have one leg stronger than the other. For example, if your right leg is stronger than the left leg, then you work with it more and do not notice the message from the left, thereby you rely more on the right stirrup. Usually after 15 minutes of training, the saddle will slide a little to the right. There are a few things that will help you: drop the right stirrup and work the trot using only the left (weak) leg. At first, it will seem to you that the left stirrup is swinging in all directions, because. there will be an imbalance. Fortunately, after a few such workouts, a weak leg will become stronger. Soon you will be equally resting on the stirrup, and the saddle will remain in place.
Photo Shoot: www.writingofriding.com
5. Towel under your buttocks:
If you tend to lean to one side, then this quick and easy trick will work for you: fold a towel into a small square and place it under your buttocks on the side you are leaning over. This will teach you how to better feel and control your pelvis in order to achieve the correct position in the saddle.
6. Feel yourself Beyoncé:
If you are dangling in the saddle at a trot, then your hips are tense. Oddly enough, the only way to sit on a horse is to move with it! Put your pride away and start working your buttocks as if you Beyoncé. Your hips should swing up and down in time with the trot. Concentrate on the movement of the horse and sit at the deepest point of the saddle. Don’t worry, you won’t look as stupid as you think!
Photo Shoot: http://wanthaveit.com
Source: www.domvetlabs.wordpress.com
- Priglishche November 26 2018 city
I wonder what the authors meant about Beyoncé’s butt work? .. Answer
- ali_fomicheva November 26 2018 city
“Your hips should swing up and down in time with the trot. Concentrate on the movement of the horse and sit at the deepest point of the saddle “- that is, move the lower back to the beat and work the buttocks, respectively 🙂 Answer