6 points why it is useless to lead a dog by the nose

6 points why it is useless to lead a dog by the nose

A dog’s nose is an amazing natural sensor. With it, you can safely go into fire, water and …. perfume shop.

  1. Dogs distinguish more than 2 smells (for comparison: a person – only a few thousand), and are able to separate the “necessary” smells from the “unnecessary”. And the strength of the smell does not matter: a stronger “uninteresting” smell will not kill a weak “interesting” one for her. They are even able to distinguish the smell of air that has been stored in a hermetically sealed vessel for 000-000 years!
  2. A dog can smell identical twins. For a long time, this was considered impossible, because identical twins have an identical genotype, and are very similar in smell.
  3. The surface of the olfactory apparatus (the so-called “olfactory bulbs” in the nose) in dogs is 15 times larger than in humans.
  4. Through the sense of smell, the dog receives 90% of the information about the world around him.
  5. A dog’s nose is a kind of “refrigerator”. In hot weather, dogs inhale air through their nose and exhale through their mouths. Thanks to the long nasal passages, excellent conditions are created for the evaporation of moisture. From the inside, the dog’s nose is always wet, as it is uninterruptedly “supplied” with fluid from a special gland. When you inhale and exhale, moisture evaporates, which means heat is lost.
  6. The skin lines of each dog’s nose are as unique as human fingerprints.

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