6 exercises that will diversify riding without stirrups

6 exercises that will diversify riding without stirrups

Lacking motivation to ride without stirrups? Try some of these exercises, recommended by top athletes and coaches, for a fresh take on a less-loved part of training for most athletes.

Photo: Steve Bardens

1. Changing the stride width using poles

“Place two poles on the ground about eight paces apart and canter along them, counting pace between the poles. Once you feel comfortable galloping over them, start adding and subtracting paces, using the body and legs, not the arms”, says the international show jumper Yasmin Pinchen. “Doing this exercise without stirrups will help you jump.”

2. Transitions, transitions, transitions!

“Doing transitions without stirrups will help strengthen your balance,” Yasmin explains. “Remember to look ahead, focus on your position, and stay with a soft hand at all times as you transition from canter to trot, to walk, back to canter, etc.”

British young dressage coach Emma Fisher adds: “Riding without stirrups very tiring, so start slowly and build up gradually, making many transitions, maintaining balance and position in the saddle.”

3. Riding with one hand

Moving without stirrups, take both reins in the outside hand, and lower the inside next to you. Sit up straight, keep your neck and back soft, shoulders back. Work on serpentines and volutes, changing your hand with a change of direction, ”says international rider Ibbi McPherson. “This exercise helps keep your horse straight and directs his shoulders. You are encouraged to use the body and balanceto control the horse.”

4. Trot on the poles in the corner

“Trotting on three or four poles that are located in the corner to activate the trot and help you move “with the horse”, which is very important when riding without stirrups,” continues Ibbi. “When riding without stirrups, many riders pinch their hips and lower back, so this exercise is great for helping you engage your pelvis and sit much deeper“.

5. Cord

“Riding without stirrups on the lunge is useful, especially if practiced every day. only five minutes. After a month, you will notice a huge difference in your fit,” continues Yasmin. “When you are on the lunge, you control the canter, so it’s easier to stay in the correct position. You can first hold on to the front pommel, if you can’t strike a balance.

6. Do things as you normally would.

“You don’t always need new or different drills just because you’re riding without stirrups, keep doing what you’re doing with the stirrups”, says Emma.


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