5 main rules for feeding rodents and rabbits
Rodents and rabbits are becoming as popular pets as cats and dogs. More and more people give birth to these charming and gentle babies. But it is important for future and current owners to know that these animals have a sensitive digestive system and that the wrong product can lead to tragedy in just a couple of hours.
We are happy to share with you the 5 most important rules to follow when compiling a diet.
Consider the type of pet
Feeding rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits and chinchillas will be different, it all depends on the type of animal. The diet of granivorous rodents is based on grains and cereals, and herbivorous rodents and rabbits are based on hay. Therefore, if you decide to have a decorative rat and a rabbit, they will not be able to give the same food.
Rats, mice, hamsters are granivorous, and rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas are herbivores. And their diet is also different.
Choose professional food
In pet stores, you can find dozens of brands of ready-made food for rodents and rabbits. When choosing, it is important to remember that each animal has its own needs. There can be no universal food for all rodents and rabbits. That is why professional mixes (Fiory) contain different ingredients that can be eaten by one animal and not recommended for others.
If you have two pets with the same type of food, such as a guinea pig and a chinchilla, look for food for herbivorous rodents. Both guinea pig and chinchilla are herbivores. The basis of their diet is hay.
Review the list of prohibited foods
Every pet has a list of what they can and cannot eat. Be sure to take note of this and do not feed the ward foods that are harmful to him. For example, hamsters and rabbits should not be given potatoes, garlic, onions, bread. And rats, although they will not refuse a small piece of cheese, let them treat themselves to a specialized delicacy.
Do not give your pet food that you are not sure about. Otherwise, the consequences can be sad, even fatal.
What you are used to eating is likely to be detrimental to your pet. Creating a balanced diet at home is generally very difficult. It is easier and safer to choose professional food and treats for rabbits and rodents (Fiory). they take into account the features of the organism of pussies.
Hay – every day!
We are talking about herbivorous rodents: guinea pigs, degus and chinchillas. Rabbits are also herbivores.
All these animals need to eat hay daily and in large quantities. It is the basis for their diet. It is important to choose high-quality, fragrant hay that has been properly transported and stored. Preferably high-altitude (for example, Fiory): it is more nutritious than meadow, and it has a higher concentration of nutrients. Fluffy will gobble up such hay with great appetite.
The critter does not always agree to eat the hay that you brought him. Most often, the reason is the low quality of the product: something must have alerted the pet. Try changing brands. When choosing, pay attention to the quality of the packaging and the composition. Hay should be fragrant, in a complete package, without traces of moisture and dust.
If possible, take hay with chamomile, alfalfa, dandelion, etc. This will become an additional treat for your pet.
Follow the food intake
Be sure to follow the feeding rate and do not give your pet too much food or treats. Food should appear in the bowl in such quantity and as often as it is intended for your animal.
Hamsters, mice and rats are enough to be fed twice a day and at the same time. But it is better for hamsters to make an evening portion more than a daily one, because. they are nocturnal animals and the peak of their activity falls on this time of day.
Rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas are usually fed 1, sometimes 2 times a day. But this is taking into account the constant availability of hay and clean water in the public domain.
As a conclusion
Rodents and rabbits are considered easy-to-keep and unpretentious animals. But this does not mean that you can not worry about their nutrition and send whatever your heart desires into their stomach.
The digestive system of most animals is sensitive and tender. If a prohibited product enters the digestive tract, it can lead to death within a couple of hours, or even several minutes. Therefore, it is important to treat the nutrition of your little pets responsibly – this is the only way they will live as long a life as possible.
The article was written with the support of an expert:
Vladimir Karpov,
veterinarian, business coach, employee of the Valta Zoobusiness Academy.