10 wild animals you can have at home
Almost everyone in the world loves pets. Surely each of you at least once in your life lived at home with a little pet. Cats, dogs, fish, parrots, hamsters and turtles have become so firmly established in our lives that we don’t even think that once all these animals lived in the wild and only after that they were domesticated by people.
In recent decades, people in the world are increasingly domesticating new animals that have never lived in a human dwelling before. Instead of kittens and puppies, people bring raccoons, owls, and even foxes into their homes.
Unusual animals at home are a rather responsible undertaking, they cannot then be released back into the wild, where the former pet will simply die.
What is important is a special approach for each wild beast and a lot of efforts to tame it. But the efforts spent on caring for wild animals will pay off for you with a sea of positive emotions, when every day you watch at home a hooting owl or a raccoon rinsing fruit in a bowl.
10 Surikat
Charming miniature animals from the mongoose family are insanely charismatic and energetic. In order to keep a meerkat at home, you will not need a special aviary or cage. The baby will calmly move around the house and sleep where necessary.
Meerkats can be easily litter trained like a normal cat. The animals feed on mushrooms, nuts, lean meat, milk and sour cream.
Meerkats are sociable animals. They easily make friends with dogs and cats. But best of all they get along with each other, as they live in packs. Therefore, try to start two touching creatures at once, so that they definitely do not get bored one by one.
9. Fenech
Fenechs are small charming foxes with huge funny ears and a sly expression on their faces. A lot of people who are thinking about getting a wild animal at home pay attention to the touching phoenixes.
But to buy such an animal is a very expensive business, so few can afford such a luxury. And the maintenance of such a fox is not an easy task. It is advisable to allocate a separate room for the beast, where sunlight would not fall on it. There should also be sand in the room, because these animals come from deserts and love to dig it up.
Fenech is a thermophilic animal, even minimal coolness can lead the animal to illness and death.
To tame a fennec fox you need patience, care and attention. If you are willing to devote enough time to your big-eared pet, in return you will get an incredible devoted friend.
8. A fox
It is most desirable to start a fox if you live in your own house and are ready to build a spacious aviary in your yard in accordance with all the rules. The main thing is that the cunning red-haired thief does not make a dig in it and does not run away to freedom.
It is not recommended to keep foxes in the apartment – again, because of the constant digging and the specific smell of wool.
Foxes need careful care, the beast cannot be left unattended for a long time. The fox will have to play and walk a lot.
But to teach her to cope with her natural needs only on a walk will not work. Devotion and gratitude, despite all your efforts, also do not expect – the fox is not at all like a dog in character.
7. Raccoon
Having a raccoon in an apartment is really adventurous, but fun and adventurous. Raccoons are insanely curious, so in rooms with sockets, electrical appliances and water, the beast should always be under your close supervision.
It is recommended to allocate a separate safe room or a spacious enclosure for the raccoon, where food, plenty of water and various toys will always be available.
Raccoons are social animals, they are great friends with cats and dogs. It is better to start a hooligan animal “in a mask” from its infancy, so that the raccoon has time to get used to you, master the tray and become as domestic as possible.
But it will not work to make a raccoon completely manual – these animals are too curious and freedom-loving.
6. Capybara
The capybara is an amazing animal. It is not for nothing that the Internet is replete with photographs in which a cheerful capybara sits quite friendly next to cats, dogs, monkeys and even crocodiles.
Surprisingly, even the most dangerous predators among animals never touch the capybara. All animals are irresistibly drawn to communicate with this creature. This giant rodent has won the love of the whole world.
The few owners of capybaras are always enthusiastic about how tame and affectionate animals they are. Despite its formidable appearance, this wonderful creature does not pose any danger to humans and can become a faithful and kind friend.
5. Sugar glider
The main feature of the content that future owners of the flying squirrel need to know is that the animal is insanely sociable. You will have to devote several hours a day to your original animal, otherwise it will inevitably get sick.
The flying squirrel is able to become a devoted comrade, but in return it will demand careful and proper care from you. The diet of these animals mainly consists of protein foods, so dried insects, as well as fruits, are perfect for them.
The flying squirrel’s cage should be spacious enough so that the marsupial beauty can safely fly in it, straightening the membranes.
4. Ferret
The fashion to start ferrets at home began in Russia recently, it is only about 10 years old. In Europe, ferrets have been liked as pets for a long time, almost half a century ago.
Ferrets are very inquisitive, smart and intelligent animals. They get along well with dogs, but a ferret may have a conflict with a cat. You should not start a ferret in a house where there are small children. Because of its curiosity, the animal can get into an unpleasant situation and, for example, bite a child or scratch it painfully.
Ferrets love to play, so be prepared to provide the animal with plenty of toys and your free time.
3. Hedgehog
Taking a hedgehog home straight from the forest is, of course, free and quite simple. But doing this is strongly discouraged. Adult wild hedgehogs are almost impossible to tame.
It is best to contact African hedgehog breeders. They have animals that live side by side with humans for generations. Therefore, it will be much easier to tame an African hedgehog.
A small animal will give you a lot of positive emotions if you are ready to surround it with proper care and attention in return. In food, hedgehogs are unpretentious, but competently equipping the cage, cleaning it and monitoring the health of the hedgehog is a more time-consuming and responsible task.
2. Owl
People have been keeping owls at home since the release of the first part of Harry Potter. In the early years of the boom in the movie saga about the little wizard, there were sad statistics of owls that constantly died all over the world. People, without thinking about this decision, bought owls, and then put them out of the house in the hope that the bird would just fly away.
The fact is that caring for owls is a very difficult task. And you need to come to a decision to acquire such a bird very responsibly and rationally. They are capricious, awake and noisy at night, and their powerful claws can leave real wounds on your arms and shoulders.
It is very difficult to tame an owl, but caring for it is an even larger, gigantic labor-intensive process, which not everyone is ready to go through.
1. Sable
Most often, sables (like raccoons and foxes) are bred out of a desire to save the animal from the fur farm. There, fur-bearing animals are grown, so that later they can make a fur product from the skin of a sable.
Sables are insanely beautiful, smart, sociable, active and incredibly clean. Such a mobile animal will need a whole room, or at least a heated loggia, which must first be carefully prepared for a new inhabitant.
Keep in mind that sable loves to mark its territory. Sable marks are odorless, and this makes life easier for the owner. But there were cases when a sable urinated on a network extension cord, and a wiring short circuit occurred.
An active beast will demand all your attention, but in return will repay with incredible friendship and devotion.