10 Ways Cats Wake Up Their Owners
If a cat has appeared in your life, you will forever get used to the joy that these cute creatures bring to your home. You will be amused all the time by their strange ways, but keep in mind that they are very smart and know exactly what they want and how to get it. Especially when it comes to waking up their beloved masters.
The cat will stop at nothing to get you out of bed. Late at night or early in the morning, she might use one or more of these ten fun ways to disrupt your sleep.
1. Scratching and pulling off the blanket
Your cat loves your cuddly, cozy bed, lined with soft sheets, plush blankets, and fluffy pillows…until he’s ready to get out of that bed. At this point, he will grab the duvet cover and pull it off, scratching the sheet with his claws. In most cases, the cat wakes you up in order to make a bed for himself or to force you to feed him.
2. Loud meow
This is one of the most overused tricks that is guaranteed to get you out of bed (and she knows it!). Cats have several types of meows that differ in meaning, and even the smallest kitten will use this opportunity to wake up the owner to get food, entertainment, or your warm spot on the bed. It may be cute when you’re awake, but it’s a battle you can’t win if you’re trying to sleep.
3. Paws your face
Another time-honored tactic a cat uses to wake up its beloved owner is to paw your face while you sleep. Cats usually use gentle but persistent patting, and one small paw can wake up even the deepest sleeper, simply because they are willing to persevere until you open your eyes.
4. Chewing and pulling your hair
Sometimes cats waking up their owners have to resort to more unusual methods if they really want something. This is a super effective trick if you have long hair that your furry family member can tug on – like a cat has just grabbed its prey.
5. Trampling on your feet
There are no personal boundaries for cats (as long as they don’t retreat to their hiding place if a stranger gets too close). They will walk up and down and all over your body, stomping on your legs or even your belly if they feel like it. While this rather sweet gesture is used by cats to comfort themselves, if it happens at a hectic pace and/or is accompanied by incessant meowing, then according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, they may want something from you.
6. Toe biting
it’s not exactly biting, but pinching of the toes and feet. A rather uncomfortable way to bring you back from dreamland and make you meet the needs of your restless cat. Gentle nibbling, although playful, shows that she is serious and will not accept rejection.
7. Throwing items off furniture
If you have not fixed all the items that are on your furniture, then it will return to this action again and again. Why? Because it works. Whether it’s a book, a pen, or a TV remote, your cat will find it and drop it on the floor. And you will hear it, no matter where in the house it all falls. You will think – well, what an intriguer! But she just got your attention – mission accomplished
8. Beats with a paw on an electric wire
You can be proud of yourself – you cleared your bedside table or chest of drawers of any potential danger, but … the kitten was not impressed. He can find – and he will find! is another way to end your REM phase. An incessant knock? Your cat is hitting the wall with a cord from a clock or bedside lamp. A seemingly harmless sound in broad daylight, but it’s guaranteed to drive you crazy when you’re trying to sleep.
9. Brings soft toys to your bed
Your kitten is naturally a hunter, and his instinct probably kicks in at dawn, when you still have a couple of hours to sleep. He will have an urgent need to bring you his “loot” and howl until you wake up to praise him for the task he just completed for you.
10. Stare
Another unique habit of your nocturnal dweller is staring straight ahead for no apparent reason. It’s not so cute when you open your eyes and see that the kitten is sitting a few centimeters from your face, focusing on it. I wonder how long he stares at you? Better to just get out of bed and not ask questions…
The funny things cats do to wake you up don’t always seem like they’re in the middle of the night, but your furry family member’s smart and creative ways show how much care and affection he has for his beloved owner.