10 smallest cat breeds

10 smallest cat breeds

The ancestor of the domestic cat was the wild steppe cat. It is still found in Africa, China, India, the Caucasus and feels great. If you look at this predator, you can see that they are very similar to an ordinary yard cat.

The process of domestication of this beast began 10 thousand years ago, and today more than 700 species of cats are known. As you know, a small dog is a puppy until old age. This also applies to cats.

Small animals are tender, and not every owner wants to have a huge impudent muzzle at home. Therefore, small cats are popular with lovers of both exotic and just to be touched.

We have studied what types of pets exist in the world and selected for you the 10 smallest cat breeds in the world: rating of breeds with photos and names.

10 Bambino

10 smallest cat breeds In the early 2000s, the Osbornes from Arkansas, USA, acquired a funny kitty. It was a sphinx, but with very short legs, and it looked rather miniature. The couple liked their new pet so much that they decided to breed and sell such animals.

Bambino – the result of crossing a Munchkin and a Sphynx, its weight is in the range of 2-4 kg. It is Pat Osborne who owns the authorship of the title. In Italian this word means “child”. In 2005, the breed was registered, and at the same time it first appeared in Russia.

The official organization TICA does not recognize the bambino as an independent breed, while it is cautiously called experimental. In some countries, such crossbreeding is prohibited as animal cruelty.

9. Munchkin

10 smallest cat breeds Information about strange short-legged cats appeared in the 19th century. Scientists were able to study individual individuals, and it turned out that the legs, 2-3 times shorter than usual, are the result of a natural mutation. Studies have shown that such a structure does not pose any danger to the animal and does not lead to dangerous diseases, therefore, since 1994, the development of the breed has been under the supervision of TICA.

Munchkins can be both short-haired and long-haired. When they look around, they do not stand up on their hind legs, but sit on their ass, while amusingly lowering their paws along the body. They can sit like this for quite a long time.

Munchkins became the ancestors of a whole branch of new types of cats, the results of crossing with this breed. Each has its own name, but all together they are called dwarves – from English “dwarf”.

8. Singapore

10 smallest cat breeds Singapore – a small graceful cat with a clearly oriental appearance. She came from street cats living in Asia, or rather, in Singapore. Hence the name.

For the first time outside the country, such yard cats became known in the United States, and this happened only in the 20th century. The Americans liked the exotic look of these cats so much that they decided to breed them. Singapuras weigh only 2-3 kg, they have a small muscular body, a convex chest and rounded legs.

But the main feature of the breed is color. It’s called sepia agouti and looks like brown streaks on an ivory base color. It is on the color that judges pay the most attention at exhibitions, and its description in the passport takes up the most space. In Singapore, these cats are recognized as a national treasure.

7. Lambkin

10 smallest cat breeds Lambkin translated from English as “lamb”, and this word best describes this breed. Miniature cats with curly, like sheep, hair will not leave anyone indifferent.

In addition to wool, Lambkins are distinguished by short legs, like those of Munchkins. They weigh no more than 3-4 kg, and the color does not have a strict definition. This breed cannot be called established, not all kittens from the litter still inherit the desired traits, and scientists continue to work on selection.

6. Napoleon

10 smallest cat breeds Napoleon’s – small fluffy cats with kind round eyes. They were bred in the 70s of the 20th century by an American breeder. Once he saw a photograph of a Munchkin in a magazine and decided that he also wanted to develop a new breed that would resemble Munchkins and Persians at the same time.

The selection work took years and was constantly on the verge of failure. The fact is that the offspring turned out to be sick, the males were not capable of normal reproduction, and the whole event cost a lot of money. Once the breeder even castrated all the cats.

Then other breeders joined in, who crossed females with smooth-haired individuals, and completely unusual animals turned out. Small, with thick silky hair and round eyes, on short legs, they took all the best from their ancestors. Including the cost: the price of Napoleons is quite high.

5. Minskin

10 smallest cat breeds Minskin – a miniature cat, the distinguishing features of which are short legs, silky skin and short dense hair in certain parts of the body. The breeding of the breed began in 1998, when breeders took the Munchkin as a basis and crossed them with other breeds to obtain the desired coat.

Despite the fact that a new type of cat is officially registered, work to consolidate the signs of an experimental breed is still underway. The cats turned out to be very agile and fast, despite their short legs. They cannot jump high, but due to dexterity they can climb to the desired height in other ways.

Basically, these are healthy cats who love an active lifestyle, are very affectionate and need constant human attention.

4. Skookum

10 smallest cat breeds Another cat with curly hair in our top – skukum. Translated from the language of the Indians, its name means “strong, unyielding”. This is a small cat weighing from 2 to 4 kg, covered with thick curly hair, especially on the collar. It was obtained by crossing a Munchkin and a LaPerm.

In 2006, the breed was recognized as experimental, and its representatives remain rare and expensive animals. You can buy skukum from breeders in the US or Europe.

These cats seem incredibly cute, and in fact they are. Affectionate, loving and funny pets.

3. Dwelf

10 smallest cat breeds Delves – one of the most unusual and exotic types of cats. The pigks again acted as the basis for breeding these animals, the American Curls became the second breed. The breed was bred in the USA and is considered experimental.

Dwelfs are small, reminiscent of ordinary teenage cats in size, weighing an average of 2 kg, but have the structure of an adult cat. Despite short legs, they have well-developed muscles and a powerful neck.

A feature of this breed is not only powerful short legs, lack of hair and a pointed tail, but also large rounded curved ears, which makes it look like a fantasy creature.

2. kinkalow

10 smallest cat breeds kinkalow – a small fluffy cat with curved ears, like those of a dwelf. Not surprising, because they come from the same breed – American Curls. From representatives of the second breed, munchkins, kinkalow got short paws and good-natured disposition.

Kinkalow is recognized as an experimental breed, a lot of selection work is being carried out so that the offspring stably inherit the necessary traits, and the cats themselves remain very rare and cost decent money.

1. toy bob

10 smallest cat breeds The full name of the breed is skiff-toy-bean, and its representatives look like miniature cats with a short tail and color, like those of Siamese cats. Today, some federations allow other colors, but the breed was originally conceived, bred and described with just such.

This is the smallest cat in the world, its weight ranges from 1,5-2 kg, while in the official descriptions it is noted that the weight should not exceed 2 kg. According to breeders, toy beans are very affectionate and devoted animals, they are good companions and are faithful to humans.

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