10 most stupid animals in the world
Even after a short communication with a person, one can draw conclusions about his mental abilities.
With animals, everything is much more complicated, and such a thought would not even occur to ordinary people.
It seems that for the animal kingdom, the level of IQ does not matter. Monkeys do not brag to each other with red diplomas and gold medals, and elephants do not arrange intellectual battles.
Indeed, animals will never worry about their mental abilities, but this question haunts a person.
For example, the famous zoologist Adolf Portman from Switzerland compiled a scale of mental development. He ranked all animals and birds according to their level of intelligence. Other scientists supported his theory.
This article will focus on creatures that nature has not awarded with a great mind. Below are the 10 most stupid animals in the world.
10 Turkey
Only domestic turkeys suffer from a low level of intelligence and a lack of intelligence. In wild turkeys with mental abilities, everything is in order. They are quite cunning and prudent.
Domestic turkeys behave very strangely, the person himself is partly to blame. For example, turkeys do not know how to eat on their own, they need to be taught.
It is not uncommon for birds to die, although there was plenty of food. When birds drink, they begin to shake their heads, fall into a trance, fall into the water and die.
Sometimes they walk one after another in a circle, look at the sky for a long time. Turkeys are not afraid of noise, but any rustle can cause panic horror. Then the bird rushes, not making out the path, crashes into objects and walls. The owners of turkeys have to constantly keep an eye on them.
9. Quail
The level of intelligence of quails also leaves much to be desired. They have a very small brain, which undoubtedly affects the ability to think.
Birds often put their lives at risk. Wild birds live in small flocks, but they do not have a leader.
They choose too accessible places for breeding offspring. Very often, quail nests are ruined, in which case the female quails leave their chicks to their fate.
Breeders who try to breed these birds also find their behavior strange. They can get burned on the heating system, drown in a drinking bowl, smash their heads against the ceiling.
8. Kakapo
The oldest birds on the verge of extinction. In January 2019, the number of individuals in the world reached 147 (in 1995 – 50 individuals).
The biggest problem of these birds is good nature and gullibility. They do not know how to behave in the face of danger. Birds just stand and think. They can’t fly, they can’t defend themselves either.
The situation is complicated by the fact that kakapo do not tend to breed. They mate no more than twice a year, and often the males are “not selective in relationships.” They do not distinguish female kakapo from other living beings.
It is not surprising that thanks to such mental abilities, birds were on the verge of extinction.
7. Pheasant
These are very beautiful birds. They can be both wild and domesticated. Their behavior does not always lend itself to logic, which is why they are called stupid handsome men.
For example, if a pheasant decides to take off and hits an obstacle, it will not move further. He will repeat his maneuver many more times until he breaks his head.
Other birds, at the sight of such behavior of a relative, experience strange aggression. They can attack and peck to death.
In nature, pheasants also put their lives at risk, so they become easy prey for hunters. They are not afraid of them, take off noisily, return to the place from where they just flew away with fear.
6. Panda catfishes
These animals are also endangered. The main reason is the low level of intelligence. They are quite good-natured, but it is almost impossible to train a panda to follow commands.
Pandas eat bamboo. It contains too few calories. Such food cannot provide their body with everything they need, but animals will never eat something else, although they are considered omnivores.
Scientists even say that if bamboo is destroyed in the habitat of pandas, they are threatened with starvation. They will not eat insects, carrion, or other plants. They just don’t think of it before.
There is another reason why the number of pandas is constantly declining. The females of these animals usually give birth to two cubs, but take care of only one, the second dies.
5. Rabbit
It seems that rabbits are lovely creatures. But those who dared to have them at home would not agree with this statement.
If you read reviews about them as pets, you get the feeling that rabbits are the dumbest animals on the planet. They harm, dirty, gnaw things. They do not distinguish between what is edible and what is not.
By the way, rabbits are not as harmless as they might seem. They can attack the owner, bite, scratch. Although in most cases people themselves are to blame for this behavior of the animal, it means that the remnants of the rabbit’s intellect are still preserved.
4. Ostrich
Scientists say that the brain of ostriches is smaller than their eyes. These animals are stupid and short-sighted. They do a lot of weird and stupid things. They live by following their instincts.
They cannot be taught anything. Therefore, when dealing with an ostrich, care must be taken. In no case should you try to feed the animal with your hands, it can bite off several fingers.
Ostriches often show aggression, they can attack for no reason, beat with their wings or trample with their feet. Given the size of the bird, this is not difficult for them.
3. Koala
Koalas give the impression of cute creatures, but this is not entirely true. In fact, these animals are irritable and unclean. Their brain makes up 2% of their total body weight, although scientists claim that it used to be much larger.
The reason for the degeneration of koalas is the transition to plant foods, which cannot provide them with all the necessary substances.
Koalas are very slow. An experiment was conducted during which scientists were able to confirm the low level of intelligence of these animals.
Plates of eucalyptus leaves (their main food) were placed in front of the koalas, but they did not eat them. Animals got used to the fact that food grows on trees, and simply did not know what to do with these plates and leaves.
2. Sloth
Some scientists called sloths nothing but a mistake of evolution and said that they would soon become extinct. But the lack of mental abilities did not affect the number of individuals on the planet.
Sloths spend most of their lives sleeping. They sleep about 15 hours a day, and the rest of the time they hang on trees.
Sloths can’t even digest food. This is done by the bacteria that inhabit their stomach.
On the ground, they are helpless, so they prefer to spend more time in the trees.
1. Hippopotamus
Hippopotamuses have nothing to do but lie in cool water and take a nap. They are clumsy, inconsiderate.
Hippos do not understand that they often put their lives in danger. They can lie quietly on the edge of a waterfall without worrying about being swept away by the current.
These animals are completely untrainable. They are very aggressive and lazy. A well-known trainer once admitted that hippos are difficult to get to do tricks. They are not able to work even for food.